Chapter 18

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I rolled my eyes as I led Bella downstairs. I could hear Peter bouncing in excitement. He was as bad as Emmett most of the time. "Calm down," Charlotte hissed at Peter. I chuckled as she lightly smacked him.

"I can't help it," Peter said.

"What are you laughing at?" Bella asked me.

"Peter is a little excited," I explained.

I opened the front door and Peter flew through the doorway and hugged Bella. I growled and pried Peter off of Bella before throwing him out of the house. I could hear him hit the ground. "Idiot," Charlotte groaned. I was crouched down in front of Bella.

"Rose," Bella called softly. I could hear her moving closer to me. She touched my shoulder and I stood up. That girl... she's lucky I wouldn't, and couldn't, hurt her. "He didn't hurt me. He reminds me of the first time I met Alice."

Charlotte snorted. The first time Alice had met her she did the same exact thing. "Bella," Charlotte called. "I'm Charlotte Whitlock, Jasper's sister and that moron that Rose threw out of the house is Peter."

"Nice to meet you," Bella said. She looked unsure as to whether or not she should go to Charlotte or not. I could understand her hesitation. Last time she met a new vampire, especially one with red eyes, they wanted to kill her, well expect for Laurent. I still need to buy him something for his help, maybe a new car. I would have to ask Irina what kind of car he would like.

"It's okay Bella," I said gently. "Jasper trusts Peter and Charlotte with his life, and Alice's too. They are going to be helping out with Charlie as well."

"Rosalie is right Bella," Charlotte said. Peter was standing outside the door. He seemed to realize he was an idiot and was waiting for my permission to come back inside. "We will do everything to help your father through this tough time. I'm sorry about what happened."

"Thanks," Bella said. "Where are Jasper and Alice?"

"Back at our house," Peter replied walking back into the room. He had his hands up in surrender, probably so I wouldn't attack him. "They are getting Charlie situated and Jazz is trying to keep Charlie calm."

Bella looked around. "Where's Emmett?"

"At the house," Charlotte replied. "He wanted to see if they needed any help."

Peter turned his attention to me. "I'm sorry Rosalie," he said. "I knew better but I was just so excited." He did know better. That was the main reason I was so upset with him. Vampires knew better than to touch another vampire's mate, especially when they were newly mated and, in my case, one was human.

"It's fine," I said knowing Bella wouldn't want me to stay mad at him.

"How long with it be until Charlie wakes up?" Bella asked looking between the three of us.

Peter shrugged. "There's no exact time limit for the change," he explained. "It's usually about two days though. It all depends on how much venom is in the body and how close to the heart it is."

Bella glanced at me and I knew she was she wanted to know. "I bit him over his arteries so the venom would spread quicker," I told her.

Bella looked relieved. I know she blamed herself. I also knew nothing I do or say would change her mind. It's why I didn't even try. All it would do is upset the both of us and I would rather my Bella wasn't upset.

We needed to have a talk. We had settled some things after the truth came out but there was still so much that needed to be discussed. I sounded pathetic for thinking this but I needed to know where we stood. Were we together or not? Was she going to give me a chance? She didn't seem to mind the physical contact but I didn't know if that was more for comfort than anything else.

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