Chapter 27

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Chapter 27
People are going to hate me at the end of this chapter but, I've already started the next one so it won't take long to post.


I was exhausted by the time we got home Sunday night. I didn't even make it to dinner before collapsing on my bed and sleeping until Monday morning. Rosalie had said she was worried because I barely moved all night.

"Bella," Rosalie said as she fixed breakfast for me. No matter how many times I told her I could cook for myself she ignored me and continued cooking. Though I would never tell her I was glad she cooked for me. Her food was always delicious. "Esme called over the weekend. She wants to meet sometime. I told her I would I would talk to you about it."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked. It was already Monday and if I wasn't mistaken Esme called Friday. I saw Rosalie toss her phone aside when I got downstairs.

"I didn't want to ruin our weekend," she said. "I was waiting until we got back to tell you but you fell asleep as soon as we got home yesterday so I didn't get a chance."

"Do you know what she wants?" I questioned.

"She just said she wants to talk to both of us," Rose said. "I'm assuming it's about what happened with Carlisle but it could be about anything. You don't have to go," she added placing the plate in front of me.

"I know," I replied. "But I want to go. I want to hear what she has to say."

"Alright, I'll call her," Rosalie said leaving the room to make the call.

Peter knocked on the door while Rosalie was upstairs. "Hey," he greeted. "Where's that mate of yours?"

"Upstairs calling Esme," I replied.

"Oh," Peter said. "How are you doing with everything?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Things have to be hard," Peter said taking a seat beside me. "I know you are the weirdest human any of us have ever met," I huffed and he chuckled, "but even you can struggle to understand everything going on."

I sighed. "It's not that hard," I said honestly. "It's just... I'm worried about what will happen when Edward shows up. He was my first love and he betrayed me. I'm angry at him but at the same time I can kind of understand why he did what he did. I don't want him to die but at the same time..."

"You want him punished for what he did," Peter finished.

I nodded, feeling guilty at my thoughts. I was being honest when I said I didn't want him to die. I still cared for him even after what he had done. He was my first love and when people were right when they say you don't forget your first love. Even though I am happy with Rose there is still a small part of me that missed the boy who saved me from a van and from those guys in Port Angeles.

I blushed when I realized Peter was staring at me. "Yes," I said, quickly trying to cover my embarrassment. "I don't like that he manipulated his family to leave just to keep me and Rose apart. I just don't get why he did it. It took me a while to realize that's not what love is about. Love is about doing anything to make the other person happy, even if you can't be with them."

"Edward may be over 100 years but he still has the mind of a seventeen year old boy," Peter said. "Kids that age are generally selfish and Edward is no different. Despite everything I've heard and the fact that I don't like him, I do think he loved you."

Everyone seemed so convinced Edward loved me but after all this time I still couldn't be sure.

"How's Charlie?" I asked when it grew quiet. Rosalie was still upstairs. I doubt she was still on the phone with Esme though. I think she was giving Peter and me a chance to talk since we really hadn't had a chance since I got here. I had talked to Charlotte a bit but not Peter.

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