Chapter 15

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The pack is very OCC in this chapter. I did this in purpose as they are not the focus of the story and will not be in the entire story. I also wanted good wolves for a change.

Bella POV

She kissed me. She freaking kissed me. Rosalie actually kissed me. The same thoughts were playing in my mind over and over again. It wasn't some stupid peck that Edward would give me before freaking out and claiming it was too dangerous. It was a real kiss, a kiss of passion, love, devotion... but maybe I was reading too much into it.

I couldn't even begin to wrap my mind around what had just happened, what was happening. I was so angry with Rosalie and with Alice, Jasper and Emmett, heck I was even mad at Edward, but when she got here the anger started to slip away.

Don't get me wrong. I was still mad at her but I wasn't as angry. I could understand why she did it. I was even grateful she cared enough to put my needs first. But she never should have lied to me. She should have told me but I couldn't help but wonder if I would be able to handle the truth then. Part of me was happy she didn't tell me. I didn't want to hurt her and if she had told me I probably would have rejected her because of Edward and I didn't want to know what would happen if I rejected her.

It took me several minutes to realize Rosalie was staring at me, waiting for me to say or do something but I couldn't move. I was still in shock. I could still feel her lips on mine. They were cold, like Edward's, but that's where the similarities ended. While Edward's lips were hard and rigid, hers were soft and relaxed. There was no fear or panic when she kissed me. She was confident and it was as if she knew she wouldn't hurt me. I could still feel her lip gloss on my mouth.

I wondered why she was so calm. Why she wasn't afraid of hurting me. Her control was good so that could be the reason. She was the only one other than Carlisle to never drink human blood and I wasn't her singer. I'm sure it's more than that though.

"Bella," she called softly. I don't know how long it had been since she kissed me.

"How did you do that?" I asked looking up at her.

"How did I kiss you?" she asked confused.

I shook my head. "No, how did you kiss me like that?" I rephrased. "Edward..." I trailed off when she started growling. Guess she didn't like hearing about Edward kissing me.

"You're not my singer Bella," she said. Well I was at least partly right. "You're blood doesn't call to me. It makes it easier to be close to you but that's not the only reason. I know I would never hurt you and I trust myself when I'm with you. Isabella, you will always be safe with me. It's impossible for me to cause you harm."

She touched my face with more pressure than Edward would use but it was comfortable. She knew exactly the right amount of pressure to use.

I fell forward, into her arms. I needed her close to me, closer than I ever needed her. Simply standing near her wasn't enough anymore. "Will you stay with me?" I mumbled against her shoulder. I wasn't ready for anything more intimate than what we had now but I wanted her to hold me while I slept like she had all those other nights.

"Of course my Bella," Rosalie said. She pulled me to my bed and gently laid me down before climbing next to me. I immediately turned into her, my head resting on her chest. "We're going to have to talk about Victoria sometime."

I tensed up and Rosalie started rubbing my back. "I won't let her hurt you," Rosalie whispered in my ear. "I will protect you, no matter what."

"I'm not scared for me," I told her honestly. "I'm scared for you and Emmett and Alice and Jasper."

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