Chapter 9

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(Trinity's P.O.V)

It has been a week since the boys' elimination and things aren't heading anywhere. Although Simon got them signed, I honestly have no idea what they are doing. Colton constantly disappears which makes things worse since Andrew and Zach can't do anything without him. It annoys all of us. So far, they've only done one interview then things went down.

I paced in their kitchen while waiting for the pancakes to cook. Colton was crashed in his bed after returning last night stinking of alcohol. Andrew had popped outside to go for his daily morning run and Zach was sitting on the couch watching Colton's closed door. His eyes drifted to me once in a while but he was clearly as annoyed as I was. "Tri, calm down. He'll wake up soon..." I huffed at his words. "I don't know how you're so calm about this! I honestly think that we should just forbid him from going out so that you three can actually get on with your career!" I said as I flipped the sixth pancake.

"Don't shout, Trinity..." Colton groaned as he appeared by his door. "Anyone have painkillers or something." Trinity, that's all he calls me. When he's drunk or just back in the middle of the night or even in the house, he would treat me like some kind of servant. I rolled my eyes and turned to Zach. "Zach, do you know where his house keys are?" I asked. "On the dining table, I think." He replied. I grabbed the keys and stuffed them into my pocket. "All doors are locked, I am putting you under house arrest for a week so you can actually do crap because if you haven't noticed, for the past week you have not done jack shit!" I shouted at him. He winced and backed away before shouting back. "Fine! I don't care!" I snarled and stormed up to him before giving him a firm slap across the face. "Good! It shouldn't affect you then!" I snapped. He spun around and headed back into his room, slamming the door behind him. I sighed. "Gods, I feel like his mother." Zach grinned. "You're pretty hot for being his mom then." I rolled my eyes and acted like that compliment sailed past my head but I still gave it away by blushing beet red. Just then, the door unlocked and Andrew walked in. He glanced right at the pan. "Tri, I think you should watch those pancakes!" he warned. I startled and rushed to the stove. The pancakes were black and shriveled. I scraped it off the pan and started making a new one. "Help yourselves to the previous six." I said and motioned to the pancakes beside me. Andrew and Zach grinned before helping themselves to three each. "Now, care to explain what I rudely interrupted?" Andrew asked us. "Tri went supernova on Colton." Zach told him. I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of words. "Okay, I wasn't asking about that but it was good to know. I meant the thing in between you two." I bit my lip uncertainly. "Nothing happened." I stated. "He just complimented Colton's mother on being hot." I wasn't lying entirely, but it wasn't quite the truth either. "I think I understand." Andrew grinned. "Because you went supernova, it seemed like you were Colt's mom. He complimented you on being hot if you were his mom." I buried my face in my hands. "Gods, why do you three have to have such similar ways of thinking?" I groaned. Thankfully, Zach's phone went off then. Simon was calling them. "Hey Simon!" Andrew called cheerfully as Zach put him on speaker. "You have an interview tomorrow, is that alright?" He asked the boys. I quickly saved a pancake from being burnt before glancing at the two of them. "Depends if Colton can get together in time." Zach told him. Simon sighed. He knew about Colton's troubles. "Has anyone shouted at him yet?" He asked. "I have." I stated bluntly as I piled another pancake onto the plate. "I'll see you boys tomorrow! You go too, Trinity." He told us before saying his goodbyes. We hung up and stared at each other uncertainly. "Pancakes anyone?" I asked suddenly to break the silence. Zach laughed slightly before helping himself to a slice.

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