Chapter 13-The Reunion

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(Trinity's P.O.V.)

I yawned widely as I reached for my phone. It was far too early in the morning, despite the fact that the sun had already risen, and my phone was annoying me greatly. "Hello?" I asked tiredly. "Sorry, babe. Did I wake you?" Zach's deep voice said. I smiled. Being his girlfriend was definitely something I could get used to. "Nah, I'm good." I lied as I yawned again. He chuckled as he heard me yawn. "As you say, Tri."

"So...why'd you wake me at..." I glanced at my alarm clock. "6a.m.?"

"Well, I just wanted to hear your voice." I smiled. He was so sweet..."I am, aren't I?" My hands flew to my lips. Dang, I just said that out loud...

"So...real reason?" I asked him.

"Andrew, Colton and I are planning to do a studio version of 'Roar' and I thought...maybe you'd like to hear it first?" He told me. "Sure! Be there in a few."

"We're only going to the studio in the afternoon?" I huffed. "You didn't have to wake me at 6!"

"Sorry," he mumbled sheepishly.

----------------time skip?---------------

"That was beautiful..." I sniffed as they ended the song. The three of them grinned. "Judging from your reaction, it's ready to go on?" Colton said. I nodded and stood up. "So, what're you three doing later?" I asked them. Andrew shrugged. "Dunno. We don't really have anything planned right now, but we're heading back to our hometowns for a few days next week." I nodded mutely and turned away.

"Um...can I talk to Tri?" Zach asked. Andrew and Colton nodded, not getting the hint. "Privately?" They got up and left the room. "Soooooo? Whassup?" I said.

"Well, since we don't have anything to really do after this...maybe you'd like to go on a proper date?" He asked me nervously. I grinned from ear to ear. "If I said no?" I asked, deliberately dragging the conversation. I heard a small chuckle outside but Zach didn't hear it. Those two were listening in on our conversation? Well, it wasn't really private, anyway. "I would be devastated." Zach replied. "But is that your answer?" "Of course not, silly!" I exclaimed. "I would most definitely go on a date with you!" He smiled and gave me a short peck on the cheek. "Finally!" Andrew and Colton cheered as they burst into the room. Zach rolled his eyes. "Knew you guys would listen in..." He mumbled to myself. "You two going public about this? Cause if you don't do it soon, the media will find out eventually." Colton asked. I shrugged. "Depends on what Zach wants. I won't get much hate from anyone since I don't have a twitter or anything..." I said nonchalantly. Andrew looked shocked. "No twitter? Gurl, you need to make one!" I shrugged again. "Can we go on the date first?" Zach asked softly. The other two quickly nodded and ushered us out of the door. Zach grabbed my hand and led me out of the studio.

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