Chapter 10

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~The Next Day~

(Trinity's P.O.V.)

"Boys, open up!" I heard a voice yell outside Restless Road's house. I had woken up extra early and headed over to the house next door to check on them. They were all pretty deep sleepers so I was waiting for them to wake up. I stood up, stretching my aching limbs and opened the door. "Hey Simon," I said blearily. "Hello, Trinity. The interview is at 8.30. The boys are asleep?" I nodded. "I'll go deal with Colton. You wake the other two." I nodded again and let him in before we both eased in different directions. I stood in front of Andrew's doorway first because he was the easiest to wake. "Andie!" I yelled as I shook him. "Wake up!"

"Ugh..." he groaned. "I hate it when you call me that." I laughed. "Just get up. Interview in 1 and a half hours!" Andrew sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Go bother Zach..." he mumbled and headed to the bathroom. I grinned and went to the room next door, where the fun begins...

I grabbed a bucket and ducked into the bathroom in Zach's room. I filled it to the brim with ice cold water and carried it beside his bed. I smiled grimly to myself as I heaved the entire bucket onto Zach's head. He shot up with a spluttering gasp and I immediately backed away. 'Now, time to run!' I thought to myself as he glared at me accusingly. Unfortunately, despite being a sprinting champion in my school, Zach was much taller and caught up to me easily. "Trinity Sapphire Lynwood don't you ever do that again!" he frowned as he cornered me against the wall. I giggled. "You told me that last Monday." I reminded him. "Well..." He said slowly. Our faces were so close our noses were actually touching. My heart sped up as I realized he was within kissing distance. He didn't move. Just as I was about to lean in, Andrew popped out of his room and shouted for Zach. I cursed slightly and Zach turned away, walking towards the Andrew. Well, we were definitely cock-blocked.

-----------------------Time skip to the interview place-----------------------

The interviewer annoyed the living hell out of me. She was wearing such a skimpy dress it probably didn't even count as a dress and kept flirting with the boys. Especially Zach. She flirted with my Zach. I mentally slapped myself for having that thought. He wasn't MINE. I had clearly denied him the day we played Truth Or Dare. I stared past the glass wall and at the boys. Colton apparently had learned his lesson and changed for the better, or so I hoped. I tapped my foot impatiently as the interview dragged on. At one point, the interviewer looked taken aback at what one of the boys said and almost fell out of her chair. I let out a small chuckle and mentally told myself to check out the video to see what happened then.

After the interview, Andrew suggested that we all go snowboarding. Since I used to do all sorts of extreme sports but never snowboarded before, I decided to tag along. Strangely, Colton denied and headed back to the house.


(Andrew's P.O.V.)

I watched from the bottom of the slope as Trinity and Zach raced down the hill. She was a good snowboarded and despite the fact that she insists that this was her first time, I don't believe her. "I win!" I heard Zach cheer as he passed the line I drew, almost running into me in the process. Trinity was right behind him but maneuvered her stop gracefully. "That was awesome!" She squealed. Zach smiled childishly. The two of them were so cute together, I don't even know how they aren't dating yet. "Round 2? Andrew wanna join?" Zach asked. I shook my head. "I'll wait here. I think I've done enough."

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