Chapter Two: From Neighbor to Hero

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~Chapter Two: From Neighbor to Hero~


"Could you repeat that?" I ask, not certain I heard correctly the first time. While I understand some of those creatures can be quite intimidating to look at and sometimes their bites have proven fatal to humans, they are not something worth screeching over. And I also have to wonder how this man managed to make such a high-pitched sound to have it heard through thick walls.

His face turns a darker shade of red and he shuffles his feet awkwardly, still refusing to look at me. "I was trying to take a shower, but there was a really big spider," he explains, but it makes no more sense than it did the first time. "I have arachnophobia."

Though I assume I am supposed to understand what that means, I simply stare at him, unable to figure it out. It would likely be in my best interest to spend more time on the internet if humans continue to use odd words. "I am not certain what that means, but does it have something to do with why you cannot ignore the spider?" I inquire. Perhaps it is an allergy. I have heard that those are quite common nowadays.

The bemused look on his face suggests that I was correct in thinking that it was something I should have known. However, he seems to physically shrug it off before saying, "It means I have a fear of spiders, so ignoring them is out of the question."

Such a strange fear to have...but then, fear is often irrational. Unless it is the fear of impalement on a spear, which was not so irrational in my time.

"Listen," the young man suddenly blurts, "I know it's kind of weird for a guy to freak out over a spider, but I'd be really grateful if you could, uh, help me out, or something."


The young man runs a hand over his face, looking frustrated. However, I do not believe he is frustrated with me, only the situation. "Can you kill it for me?" he asks, or perhaps I should say, pleads. His words are relatively neutral, but his face says that he is ready to get down on his knees and beg.

Say no. He is just some stranger with a strange request. Just say no.

I open my mouth to refuse, but perhaps it is the old familiarity of being asked to help a mortal or the rather adorable pleading look on his face, because the word I say is the exact opposite of what I meant to. "Yes."

While I am stunned by what I said, the young man's face lights up in joy and he takes my hand before I can even think to retract my agreement. I only have time to close my door before I am being pulled over to his room. Without hesitation, he opens the apartment door and all but drags me in after him. He is quick to close the door behind us and I have to wonder if it is to make sure I do not leave, though it likely has more to do with not wanting to leave his door wide open.

The layout of his room is the same as mine, but switched around so that everything is on the opposite side – the kitchen and bathroom are to the right. There are also far more decorations and personal items in my neighbor's apartment than my own. Pictures of people who could be family and friends, colorful furniture, a white bedcover decorated with different color paw prints, and he has far more books stacked around his bed, as well as the occasional clothing item thrown about.

Is it normal for humans to be this messy?

"It's in here," he says, and I mentally give my head a shake, reminding myself why I was pulled in here in the first place. Reluctantly, I follow behind him as he guides me to the bathroom. However, he stops in the doorway before stepping aside. "Uh, so...good luck."

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