Chapter Twenty-Nine: Speak of the Devil...

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~Chapter Twenty-Nine: Speak of the Devil...~

I have known multiple Court Kings – some of them quite personally – but I have never met with them in a setting less formal than one might have at a dinner table. So, when I end up sitting with the Unseelie King in his private library, my curiosity is as strong as my discomfort. I was raised with proper etiquette, so to be in a private place usually reserved for the King and his close would be strange if I felt relaxed. And it does not help that he insisted that we be alone, as he did not want the presence of others to influence our conversation.

The library is not very vast, looking more like a large study than a grand archive. It does not help that there are more books in stacks on the floor than on their actual shelves, making the space seem smaller than it actually is. Despite its crowded appearance, though, the room itself is very big with a ceiling that is at least five metres over our heads.

Though the room definitely needs to be organized, I feel it is the seat arrangements that require more immediate attention. While I have no qualms with sitting on the floor, my discomfort is only increased by the fact that I am currently sitting on a dark red floor cushion in front of an enchanted fireplace with the King sitting across from me on a matching cushion. The only other options are a handful of floor cushions of different colors, a couple of brown beanbags, and a chaise longue.

We sit in silence in the moments following our arrival and I take to staring at the fire to avoid awkwardly watching the King. I am not feeling particularly patient at the moment, as my discomfort is bringing about irritation. However, since this is the Fae realm and he has a higher standing than I do here, I keep my mouth closed until he broaches the reason for pulling me from my uncle and guest.

Just as my eyes are starting to hurt from the heat of the fire, Cynbel finally speaks from where his head rests in his lap. "I am not a very formal King and I can tell this makes you uncomfortable. For your sake, I won't dally on unimportant matters. What does your return mean for Faerie and your pantheon?"

Though his question catches me by surprise, as I thought this might be about bringing a guest into Faerie, it is not hard to come up with an answer. "Nothing, Your Majesty," I reply, trying to sit still despite the urge to adjust my legs. "Not yet, anyway. My pantheon knows I live, but not where I am or what I am doing. It might be a while before I become a public figure in Faerie again. There are issues in the mortal realm, among other places, that require my attention before I even consider rebuilding anything here."

The Unseelie King does not try to hide his look of curiosity, but at least he refrains from asking about the parts I intentionally left vague. "Where have you been for the last century?" He inquires, though this question catches me by surprise for a different reason.

How does he not know?

The answer to my unspoken question comes to me almost immediately after I think it; Faerie has no internet and, thus, there is very little chance of any Fae – at least, any Court Fae – watching Youtube. "That is one of the things I need to take care of, Your Majesty," I inform him, keeping my face as neutral.

"If you need any assistance," the King says, trailing off to leave the offer open.

Seeing where he is wants to go with this conversation, I assure him, "I will come to your Court before I consider the Seelie or Tuil-Bheum."

The King claps his hands together in a show of pleasure, though it looks rather awkward since his head is still in his lap. "Wonderful," Cynbel says. "Now, have something to give you; a warning, actually."

I tense up despite how I try to hide the natural response. Perhaps this is about bringing a guest...

"Court is never held on Day Luna, but an unexpected guest caused us to convene. It is quite a coincidence that you showed up a short time after he left," the Unseelie King says thoughtfully.

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