Chapter Twenty-Two - Bauchan and the Beast

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~Chapter Twenty-Two: Bauchan and the Beast~

Showering away the hospital's medicine smells takes a full three minutes of being covered in wood-scented soap. I dry myself quickly and brush my hair, despite knowing that it will become messy again soon. By the time I leave the bathroom, I feel pleasantly clean and ready to travel.

"I'm not taking you anywhere dressed like that," Ullr says, looking pointedly at the towel wrapped around my waist.

Well, almost ready to travel.

Snorting at his comment, since there is no way I would leave my apartment in only a towel, let alone travel the untamed country of my homeland, I kneel in front of the bottom drawer of my wardrobe and open it. I shove away the two sets of clothes stacked over a checkered-green, long-sleeved tunic and the tan undershirt. Below the tunic and shirt are a black fur cloak and a pair of brown trousers. Originally, they had a drawer of their own, but after Jasper had dinner here, I took to hiding it away in case he ever has reason to look through my drawers for something. It may not have been the best hiding place, as magic would have been more effective, but it was only supposed to be temporary until I found somewhere better.

Speaking of Jasper, I wonder what happened to him. The doctor said he only had a mild concussion and some bruising, and was thus allowed to leave, but where did he go? The hospital was only thirty minutes from our apartments – or so Ullr told me – which means he could be next door right now.

What irks me, though, is that I cannot go next door to confirm this, as I am unable to speak English right now and would not be able to explain anything to Jasper if he is there. Ullr could probably translate, but I am not certain it would be wise to have Ullr tell Jasper that I am leaving for an indefinite amount of time. Ullr might intentionally translate something wrong and I would have no way to tell Jasper Ullr is lying outside nodding or shaking my head, nor is there any way to really explain to Jasper why I cannot speak English. It worked with the doctors, as they have never met me before today, but Jasper knows I do not randomly switch to other languages in emotional situations.

Mentally cursing myself for not telling Jasper at least some truths about my life, I vow to myself that I will have a talk with my boyfriend once I am no longer dying. Maybe I can make Ullr write a note for me and tape it to Jasper's door. At the very least, it will give him some understanding of why I am missing. Pleased with this idea, I return to the task of locating the rest of my formal clothing.

However, as I search for my hide boots, I stop upon realizing that talking to Jasper is just one issue on a list of many that I need to take care of once I return. Telling Jasper is not the only thing I have been putting off for some time. Another is Heather's request to call the demons, and then there is my family, who likely do not know if I am even alive. And Aldis, who I never called.

Though, calling Aldis is probably the least important item on my 'to-do' list and can be put off for a while along, or even crossed out if my call to that demon captain ends well.

I have been using far too many excuses to avoid getting involved with this war. Ullr likely would be thrilled that I keep putting it off, but I owe it to Heather to at least try to learn more about the demon's side of the war before I put it off any longer. At least once I hear both sides of the story, I will have a viable reason to put it off, which is thinking it over to avoid a rash decision. Lately, my only reason was focusing on spending the holidays with Jasper's family.

And if I end up liking neither side, then at least I tried and I can go back to ignoring the war all together...though I might still find a way to free Heather, as she does not deserve to be stuck in that revolting statue.

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