Chapter Three: Long Ago...

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~Chapter Three: Long Ago...~

"What is that, Ainmire?"

I glance up from the smooth leather pouch in my hand to look at my mother, who is walking over the garden's stepping stones to approach the wooden bench I am sitting on. "A gift, it would seem. A Titan, Ithas, delivered this, along with a letter," I reply, picking up a piece of rolled up parchment from my lap.

My mother, Creiddylad, sits down beside me on the bench, her hands folded in her lap. "What does the letter say?" She asks, eyeing it curiously after disregarding the pouch.

"I have yet to read it."

Sighing, my mother pins me with a look of amused exasperation. "Yet you have already begun fiddling with the gift," she says. When I do not immediately unroll the parchment, she waves her hand and adds, "Well, go on then. Read the letter."

Begrudgingly, I set the pouch down in my lap and instead focus on the wax seal that ties the string which keeps the scroll closed. The symbol of the seal appears to be a crescent moon with little dots around it. I do not recognize it, but that is hardly odd, considering that I have never bothered to learn the different seals belonging to the Titans. However, the messenger, Ithas, claimed that it was Atlas, the one I met while with my father at Mouth Othrys, who requested these be sent to me.

Before my mother can scold me further for not immediately following her instruction, I break the seal, release the string, and open the letter. In order to avoid having my mother read over my shoulder, I read out loud, "I knew you for but a moment, yet your absence in the temple pains me dearly..."

I trail off, not sure if I like where this is going. However, before I have the chance to read ahead in case this is something I should not be reading to my mother, she asks, "Why did you stop?"

For only a second, I consider explaining, but then realize that my embarrassment would only encourage her to read over my shoulder should I refuse to read it out loud. My mother rather hates when there is something she does not know. With a sigh, I continue, "...your absence pains me dearly and how I wish the Divine Council's meeting never ended. At least, not before I had the chance to say goodbye and perhaps ask a question that I was considering since the moment I laid eyes on you."

This is sounding more and more worrisome.

"Before I could ask you, I, of course, had to speak with my uncle, the great Cronus, to ask for his permission. He was hesitant at first, believing that it was simply a phase, which is my excuse for waiting so long to finally send this letter to you. As months went on, though, my brothers grew tired of my 'pining' and spoke to our uncle on my behalf. And now, successful in my quest to gain my uncle's approval, I write to you, my star. I have but one simple request – allow me the honor of courting you."

Balking at the request, I fear reading the last bit of the letter. However, one disapproving look from my mother has me completing it instead of immediately burning it to ash. "This may seem sudden, but it was love at first sight for me. I even had to ask my nuisance of a cousin, the one you happened upon in the garden, if he shot me with one of his love arrows, as I did not believe in the tales of true love until he assured me that he did not.

"In hopes of encouraging your acceptance of my request, I have sent along a courting gift. While courting gifts are not common among my people, my brothers believed it a good idea. It would please me greatly for you to wear this gift when we next meet," I finish. At the bottom, it is signed by Atlas, whose title is Titan of endurance and astronomy, son of Iapetus and Asia.

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