Chapter Thirty: More Time

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~Chapter Thirty: More Time~

Unlike the last time I was on a beach, the pale sand is warm beneath my feet. The sun is high in the sky, allowing me a perfect view of the clear blue waters and endless horizon. Behind me, there is a grassy incline that leads to a sparse forest. The only signs of life are the fish in the deeper, yet still clear, waters and the songs of the birds somewhere out of sight. Atlas is nowhere in sight, nor is Cronus.

My heart beats a little faster, as the last time I found myself alone in one of these dreams, it was not Hypnos who pulled me in. Perhaps Cronus is planning to make some grand entrance, as he did before in the dream bathhouse, but I hope he makes it soon. Otherwise, I am going to wake myself up. I did not set up wards before I went to sleep and I do not want the Greeks to track me back to the hotel, which the demons invited me to stay in.

"Hello, Aστερ μου," a familiar voice greets me from behind.

Not long ago, I would have thought that I would never again equate his voice with relief, but just hearing him has my tense shoulders relaxing. "Hello, Atlas," I greet as I turn to face him, offering a tight-lipped but genuine smile.

Atlas grins back at me and asks, "How are the Fae treating you? Do they still worship the ground you walk on?

I consider lying to him about where I am staying, as I have the feeling Atlas will not be pleased to learn that I left a safe place, but then I would feel guilty for keeping secrets. I am still not certain how I feel about Atlas, but it will likely be a while before I lose the guilt that comes with lying to him. That is, if I even try.

"I have been in the mortal realm for a total of three days, four when I wake up," I inform him, wondering if it is still Saturday or if it is Sunday now. We had returned from Faerie on Wednesday and I have since been discussing strategy with the captains or just spending time alone in my temporary room, reading. Because, until the Unseelie King sends his envoy to speak with the demons now stationed in Glasgow, there is not much else to do but read.

Atlas grabs my shoulders and, for a moment, I thought he was planning to give me a good shake, but instead he stares at me in concern. "Did something happen? Are you hurt?"

"Nothing happened," I grumble, leaning back a little since his face is too close and it reminds me of when he used to lean in for a kiss – a simple peck on the lips, not whatever it was that passes for kissing now.

Perhaps I should practice this new kiss with Atlas one day...

The Titan hums deep in his throat and my eyes slide up to meet his, causing me to realize one moment too late that I had been staring at his mouth. I quickly take a step back, forcing him to drop his hands from my shoulders. "Do you have something you want to talk about or is this a social visit?" I ask, wanting Atlas to start talking so I can stop thinking. At least about kissing him, anyway.

Atlas' expression loses some of its eagerness as he tilts his head back in consideration. "Both," he decides, and then he takes a seat in the sand with his feet extended towards the water. The Titan pats the spot next to him when I do not immediately follow his example. Reluctant to sit too close to him right now, I make sure there is at least half a metre between us before I allow myself to actually sit down. "Why have you returned to the mortal realm?"

"I need to resolve a few things," I reply vaguely, because one of those things happens to be Atlas' imprisonment and I have no intention of letting him know. After what happened last time, he would probably be upset to know that I intend to put myself in harm's way for him again.

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