Chapter Five: Movie Marathon

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~Chapter Five: Movie Marathon~


My mother immediately turns around so fast that her long blond hair nearly hits her in the face, the concern in her expression clear. However, when she realizes that I am not being chased by some horrid monster or in any immediate danger, she frowns, likely displeased with me for disturbing the peace of her garden. "Has something happened, Ainmire?"

Since running in the gardens is forbidden, I instead walk briskly towards her. "Something is wrong at Mount Othrys. I cannot visit Atlas," I inform her, hoping she knows why. And considering the way her mouth thins and her eyes narrow, she either knows or has some idea of what I am talking about. "What is it?"

"Come," my mother orders, leaving the flowers she was tending and walking past me without so much as an explanation. When I do not immediately follow, she quickly turns to grab my wrist and physically pulls me towards the household.

"Mother?" I inquire, wanting an explanation, but she merely ignores me.

She releases my wrist as soon as we are inside, but continues walking towards my father's study, expecting me to follow. Without knocking, she roughly throws the door open, making it slam into the wall. My father startles behind his desk and looks about ready to shout at whoever would so carelessly throw open the door, but when he sees my mother's dark expression, he hesitates. No one yells at Mother when she is angry.

"The Titans have closed off Mount Othrys. I believe the war has started," my mother tells him, and I immediately stop walking. War?

"War?" I repeat out loud. There have been many wars before, and I have witnessed a great deal of them myself, but never before have I seen my mother look so concerned about one, even when it was our pantheon engaged in battle with another.

Neither of them acknowledges my question, but instead they continue to talk as if I am not in the room. "Contact your brother, Creiddylad," my father demands, and while my mother is never the type to listen to an order, she immediately moves over to the mirror hanging on the wall next to the desk.

While she is casting her magic over it, activating the magic runes, I glare at my father. "What is going on? What war?" I demand.

It is clear from his displeased expression that my father does not like my ordering tone, but it is their fault for not even attempting to explain anything while making me concerned with their odd behavior. Despite his displeasure, he answers, "At the meeting four moons ago, Cronus mentioned that he believed it possible the children of his pantheon, the Greek gods, would attempt a revolt. Normally, this would be of little concern, but then his exiled son, Zeus, appeared at a festival feast held by the Titans and poisoned Cronus. There were whispers of a budding war, but with Mount Othrys now cut off, it seems it is official."

"That does not explain your odd behavior. Are we going to assist the Titans? Is that why you are calling my uncle?"

To my confusion, my father shakes his head. "While this war is taking place, you will be staying with your uncle in Faerie. We already discussed this with the Fae upon hearing the threat of war. You will be safe there," he says, as if I am suddenly not safe here.

"Safe? I want to help Atlas," I disagree, wondering why a god of magic from a different pantheon needs to hide during another pantheon's war. If they were truly against my fighting, they could simply have our king god, Lugh, forbid it and I would have to obey.

"You need to be safe because you have never encountered a king god before, even a newly-risen one, and there is no doubt the Greek gods will attempt to use you against Atlas should they have a chance to snatch you while you are unguarded," my father counters, running his hand through his blond hair in frustration. "And after Zeus' attack on his father, Cronus is unable to protect you on Othrys. However, the Greeks cannot enter Faerie without permission, making it the best place for you."

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