Chapter Four: Learning to Plate

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~Chapter Four: Learning to Plate~

Jessica looks at Jasper for a moment before turning to me with a grin. "I think he wanted to try your awesome cooking," she teases. "That is, if you aren't already off the clock."

My neighbor's face is pinkish, as if embarrassed, though that might also just be because of the blood returning to his face after coming into the diner from the cold weather. I give him a moment to disprove or confirm her theory, but he just continues to silently stare at his feet. "All right," I agree after a moment, thankful that I put off 'punching in' my work card until after I was ready to leave. Taking off my coat as I go, I walk back to the kitchen and point to an empty stool at the counter as I pass. When I glance back, I see him quickly move to take the seat. "Anything specific you want to order or would you rather read the menu first?"

"Whatever the daily special is," Jasper says, smiling excitedly as he sits down.

I accept his request with a nod before disappearing into the kitchen to make a ham and cheese omelet. However, before I start, I look at the other chef, who already started his shift. "Do you mind if I make one last special?" I ask, knowing that the other chef often expresses her displeasure whenever I use the kitchen when she is in it.

"Go ahead," the current chef, Romeo, accepts with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Not like there are any other orders to fill right now anyway."

A glance at the divider shows that it is, in fact, empty of orders. Without hesitation, I put away my coat and begin to gather the necessary ingredients for Jasper's omelet. It takes all of seven minutes before the food is ready and set out neatly on a plate. Instead of passing it through the divider, I bring it out of the kitchen in person and set it in front of him myself. There is no reason for me to remain in the kitchen with my shift now over, so I might as well come out here to see how my food is received.

Jasper smiles at me when I set it down, though there is a cautious edge to it. When he picks up the fork beside his plate, his expression becomes quite pensive, as if he worries that the food will not be good. However, I am rather confident in the food I make; I was given this job, after all.

The pensive look disappears not even two seconds after Jasper takes the first bite. In fact, his face lights up with unconcealed delight, which is a better compliment than any words he could say. "This is amazing," he says around a mouthful of food.

"I am glad to hear it," I reply, and then watch him eat for another minute. Now that his wariness is gone, Jasper shows his enthusiastic by shoveling the food into his mouth before he even finishes swallowing what is in his mouth. While it is lacking in etiquette, it is an odd form of praise, so I will not scold him for it like my mother would. Besides, it seems most humans are lacking in etiquette in this age.

It is not long, however, before I return to the kitchen to grab my coat. After 'clocking out', as Jessica calls it, I bid the other chef farewell and return to the main room, despite the back door being the quicker option. "Leaving, Allen?" Jessica asks, passing me while on her way to another table.

I hum my confirmation, walking out from behind the counter. Before I can say goodbye, though, fingers brush my wrist, pulling my attention to Jasper, who is mostly done with his omelet. "Uh, before you go..." he trails off awkwardly, appearing to become self-conscious as he turns his attention to the ground between us. "I, uh, had another reason for coming here. There...there was a Harry Potter marathon on last night and I recorded all the movies, but, uh, it'd be kind of lonely to watch it by myself, so I was wondering if you'd be interested in watching a few, or just one, with me tonight."

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