Chapter Six: Protector of the Third Floor

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~Chapter Six: Protector of the Third Floor~

The loud yelp of surprise is enough to draw me out of my thoughts late Monday afternoon. A few minutes earlier, I had heard an opening and closing door, most likely signaling the return of a neighbor from work, and since the direction of the sound came from Jasper's room, I have a good idea of what is going to happen next. And sure enough, not even a minute later, there is a soft yet hurried knock on my door, leading me to smirk in amusement.

It is not like I have anything better to do.

Under normal circumstances, I would likely be annoyed at having to complete such a menial task, but I have to admit, the sounds he makes are rather entertaining. Before answering the door, though, I make sure to put on a pair of shoes this time, not wanting to be awkwardly standing in his apartment with bare feet again. This could very well not be a spider issue, but I would bet on it being exactly that.

When I open the door, I do not even have a chance to greet him before he is blurting out, "I really hate to bug you again – pun not intended – but there's a big-ass spider next to my bed and I really, really hope you were serious when you offered to help. If not, I'll just call an exterminator."

I mentally take note of the words 'pun' and 'exterminator' for future research while nodding. "I meant it," is all I say before stepping out, which forces him to take a couple of steps back, and closing my apartment door behind me.

Seeing that I am serious, he eagerly leads me into his room and points out the black spider, which is substantially larger than the last one. It is directly above the bed's headboard and moving downward quickly. Within a second, it vanishes from sight, making Jasper panic. "Oh goat, oh goat," he groans, rushing towards the bed and then rushing back towards me, likely afraid to be too close to something he cannot see.

Unafraid of a simple spider, I approach the bed and try to catch a glimpse of it, but it seems to have disappeared somewhere. "Just so you know, if you catch the spider and carry it in a pouch around your neck, it is said to prevent illness," I inform him, though I am not entirely certain I believe that myth. I heard that particular rumor when I was young and passing through a human village, though I never saw it in action.

There is nervous laughter behind me, followed by a muttered, "I would cry."

Since I have no doubt that I was not supposed to hear that, I do my best to hide how funny I find that statement. Crying seems a little dramatic. It is not like the spider would be touching him or anything, nor would he have to see it. Though, I suppose that means I should not tell him the myth about eating the spider between two pieces of bread. "Would you mind if I moved the bed?" I inquire, not sure if there might be something under it that would keep it from moving or if he would be irritated with me for doing it.

"No, uh, go ahead," Jasper replies, and I do not need to look to know that he is further away than he was a moment ago, though I am not sure if it was my comment about wearing the spider or his wariness of the elusive creature that made him back away in the first place.

Without hesitation, I immediately push the bed aside and look for any movement. I spot it mere seconds later when it starts crawling up the bed post, towards my hand. Flicking it off the bed post with my finger, I quickly step on it with my shoe. Unlike with the first spider I killed for Jasper, I actually feel a little remorse at its death, though I am not certain if it is because its death could have been avoidable or if I am more mentally stable than I was before. Or, perhaps, I am less mentally stable, as I would not normally feel remorse for the death of a human, much less an insect.

"Thank you so much," Jasper sighs in relief and quickly hands me a napkin to wipe off the bottom of my shoe as well as the floor. I ball it up and toss it into the nearest trash bin, which is only a couple feet away, in the kitchen.

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