Chapter Fifteen - Do You Have a Minute?

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~Chapter Fifteen: Do You Have a Minute?~

"Do you have a minute?"

Confused as to his reason for seeking me out, I take a moment to gauge his person before answering. Oddly enough, this man reminds me more of my time than the current age. However, that is based on his physical form; he feels too young in years for that to actually be true. His rough appearance – choppy brown hair, lack of a recent shave, warrior-like physique – remind me greatly of my uncle, Gwyn.

Too bad he is not Fae...or perhaps I should consider that a good thing. He does feel like magic, just not the Fae sort.

If this man were not wearing modern clothing – leather jacket, black cargo pants, white t-shirt – but rather clothes from my time, he would fit in with my people. Well, perhaps if his accent was different as well. He is likely from this country, but not this area. "About what?" I ask, having finished my assessment.

Whatever he wishes to speak about will hopefully be interesting.

"Aldis McCowan," he introduces himself while holding out his hand. This time, it is not my lack of social understanding that has me hesitating to shake it; I do not know this person and I do not trust friendliness from magical strangers.

Just as the air between us is turning awkward, though, I shake his hand, letting my reluctance be known without impolitely rejecting his gesture of goodwill...if it actually is a gesture of goodwill, as any number of curses can be activated with skin-to-skin contact. "Allen Myer," I reply in kind, releasing his hand as soon as it is acceptable. "What do you wish to speak with me about?"

Aldis looks around our immediate area before asking, "Do you mind if I ask you what are?"

I was unaware that it had become normal to ask that sort of question without naming your own kind first.

"Human," I snap in annoyance. He blatantly ignored my question twice, which means I can be a rude now. Besides, that is a dangerous question he is asking. Unfortunately, my answer did not seem to convince him even slightly, as he merely raises an unimpressed eyebrow. "You have thirty seconds to tell me what you want before I leave."

Or, rather, before Jasper realizes I am not following him, if he has not already.

Aldis must know I am not joking, as he immediately stops fooling around. "Surely you have heard of the war between the demons and witches," he says, grabbing my attention. However, I am not stupid enough to show it; that would make it far too easy for him.

"I have."

"Have the demons propositioned you yet? Your magic feels old, so I'd be surprised if no one's noticed it yet," Aldis states. I carefully eye him, not liking that he seems to be able to sense magic much as I can. Unless there is a pantheon full of new gods rising, I do not believe Aldis is one of us. However, he is not Fae, either, and I cannot think of any other creatures capable of sensing magic.

He could be making wild guesses, but I would rather not assume that is the case.

"They have," I answer vaguely, neither confirming nor denying the latter part of his statement.

Aldis smiles, though the expression does not reach his eyes. "Have you joined a side?"

He spoke of the demons as a separate entity with no small amount of not-so-hidden hostility, which suggests that he is not a demon or on their side. This man does not seem like a witch either, though, but I could be wrong. "I have not," I reply, keeping to the simplest of answers for now.

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