Chapter Sixteen: Something Doesn't Feel Right

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~Chapter Sixteen: Something Doesn't Feel Right~

Almost three weeks have passed since my rather impromptu meeting with Aldis. While I have been greatly tempted to call him for answers to random questions that come to mind, I simply write them down for a time when I have a chance to ask them all. Besides, I am certain Aldis will not answer half of them, as a great deal of them pertain to the puppeteer, or puppeteers, controlling his side of the war, as well as the mystery source he refused to comment on.

Perhaps I would have called him anyway, had I not started to develop head pains. For a while, it was nothing of concern and felt as though I simply bumped my head in the middle of the night, creating a little unpleasantness on one side of my head. However, it gradually grew worse until I woke up two days ago with a near-splitting pain in my head, making it hard to think and even harder to look at anything radiating light.

The pain dissipated after a longer-than-necessary shower, but returned yesterday morning upon waking up, bringing with it a newfound nausea, which is something I could have gone without. It, of course, disappeared after a shower. Sensing the start to a pattern, I am not surprised when, like the past two days, I wake up this morning with a terrible pain in my head and nausea, which is now joined by the inability to breathe through my nose and a sore throat.

Why is this happening to me? What is happening to me?

A quick look in the mirror shows an unnatural pallor to my skin, making the already darkish shadows under my eyes seem far more prominent. Not willing to suffer longer than necessary, I immediately start the shower and very carefully strip away my clothing, trying not to move too much with the pain in my head spiking with every jostle.

Upon exiting the steamy shower ten minutes later, the head pain has vanished, yet the nausea, sore throat, and clogged nose remain. I try to blow my nose with a tissue, but that only seems to make my ears hurt and head throb slightly, forcing me to stop lest the head pain return. My skin is also still pale, even if it looks less unhealthy.

Despite the nausea making my stomach churn unhappily, I force myself to eat a simple breakfast of oatmeal. It does nothing to ease the horrible feeling, but it thankfully does not add to it either. If it added to the feeling, I would likely just call my boss to inform him that I would not be showing up for work. However, seeing as none of the nasty ailments are actually incapacitating, I should be fine to do my job.

Passing by Jasper's door on the way out of the apartment – I would rather not walk down two flights of stairs right now – I find myself wondering how he is doing. We have not seen each other since his last day off a week ago, and that was only due to a spider finding its way into his apartment. With the holidays known as Christmas and New Year's approaching, Jasper has been spending more time working to make up for the time he will be gone visiting his family.

A visit that my presence was requested for.

A couple of weeks ago, Jasper had sent me a very confusing text that ended with me call him while he was on his lunch break. Apparently, he had informed his family that he and I are dating, which led to them requesting – or, more accurately, demanding – that I attend if I did not already have holiday plans. As I did not and was not fond of the idea of lying to his parents, I accepted.

Jasper was not very happy with my decision, though. When I asked if he did not want to introduce me to his parents, he had adamantly shaken his head and told me that he was not excited about bringing his boyfriend, as his mother will definitely bring out the 'baby pictures' while his dad embarrasses him thoroughly 'The Talk'. He is also concerned about me meeting his older brothers – the 'two awesome, supportive' brothers he told me about when we first met – as they are apparently very protective.

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