Chapter Twelve: Witty Gods and Wittier Comebacks

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~Chapter Twelve: Witty Gods and Wittier Comebacks~

I glower at him for a moment, deeply annoyed by his assessment. Yes, he does seem taller, but the last time I saw him, we were also both over four metres tall, not a short as mortals. The fact that he is slightly taller than me in human form means absolutely nothing. Still, I feel the need to prove that he is not the only one with taunts.

"At least I have not lost enough weight to be considered a toothpick by the jǫtnar."

Ullr truly has lost weight and it is almost concerning how much. Not all the Norse gods were large, but no son of Thor – step-son or otherwise – would ever be considered small. Even his daughter, Thrúd, was a fear-inspiring Valkyrie of strong build. However, Ullr looks very similar to an average human male of current times rather than the powerful hunter I knew. If his face was not so recognizable, I might not have realized it was him when I first answered the door.

Snorting in amusement, Ullr just gives my shoulders a friendly squeeze and continues to smile at me, head tilted in consideration. His grin is quick to dim, though, replaced with a thoughtful but concerned look. "I'm fine, just got into ice skating, which takes more agility than brute strength," he says, slowly looking me up and down in consideration. "You, however, look horrible. Dark circles under your eyes, worry lines, and...I can't be certain, as I am no magic expert, but your aura or whatever feels off."

"I am merely having some trouble adjusting back, is all," I assure him, though it is not true at all. It is not the adjusting, but the memory-dreams, the risk of being found, Atlas in general, Jasper, and so much more. I have had little trouble adjusting to this new life; it is just the fact that my old life cannot leave me alone that is the issue.

Shrugging off Ullr's hands, I return to the kitchen. He is quick to follow me in and I hear the door close lightly behind him. While the auburn-haired god surveys my room, I pick up my phone and quickly read the message, not wanting Jasper to think I am ignoring him if he asked an important question. However, instead of a message with words, all I receive are two dots and a 'D'; I am unsure of the meaning. Before I can ask him about it, another text arrives and I grimace when the ring tone catches Ullr's attention. His eyes immediately focus on my mobile device with unveiled interest.

"I do not like where your thoughts are at," I comment. Though I am not certain the details of what he is thinking, I know that mischievous look; he acquired it from me.

"Who's texting you? Atlas?" Ullr enquires, now feigning disinterest in the phone as he looks around the kitchen area. Though, his feigned disinterest becomes real as soon as he spots the still-steaming pancakes. At least he still has an appetite.

The mention of Atlas almost brings a scowl to my face, but I manage to force it down lest Ullr notice more than he should. "Atlas and I are no longer together," I inform him, checking the text. Ullr makes a sound of surprise, but I do not bother to look at whatever facial expression he is making, feeling oddly at ease with the familiarity of being in Ullr's presence. In fact, it has been quite some time since I was last comfortable enough in someone's presence to relax. Even Jasper makes me anxious more often than not.

'R u available Tue nite? New snow maze @ nearby sk8ing rink.'

I blink slowly a few times, wondering if the jumble of letters, numbers, and symbols will make any sense if I do, but it stays just as confusing. Has my brain suddenly stopped translating English or...something? What does his text mean?

My utter confusion catches Ullr's attention and the Norse god moves close enough to read over my shoulder. There is a moment of silence followed closely by Ullr stiffening beside me. "Snow maze?" He reads out loud, voicing one of the few words I can actually read. When I glance over my shoulder at him, there is a childish grin on his face.

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