Chapter Twenty-Seven: Aren't You Dead?

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~Chapter Twenty-Seven: Aren't You Dead?~

"Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to take this team to Faerie and introduce them to the High King."

"Did you just quote Mission Impossible, Koa?" Atasah asks in disbelief, his confusion matching mine, but for an entirely different reason.

High King? Who in Annwn is the High King?

Despite not knowing all the facts, my answer is still, "No."

In an instant, the light-heartedness that had begun to build in the group dies. The Mer prince seems only mildly surprised, but the demons look as though I offended their mothers. "'No' to Atasah's question, or 'no' to the mission?" Sidr asks cautiously. I am not certain as to whether he is hesitant to jump to conclusions or if he is trying to offer me a chance to change my answer.

"No, I will not take you to Faerie," I clarify, which only makes worsens the mood among the demons. Only Nero appears unconcerned by my response. Perhaps he was not looking forward to entering Faerie?

"Why not?" Atasah questions, his voice bordering on suspicious, which I suppose makes sense. After all, I am rejecting their test that will supposedly prove who I am.

Despite the clear reason behind the suspicion, I eye the demons coolly, offended that they would even think to make such a stupid request. However, before I can tell them exactly why I would never willingly bring them to Faerie, Nero says, "After what happened the last time you went there, the Fae are not likely to be singing you praise."

Wise Mer.

The suspicion seems to deflate like a balloon and a couple of Sidr's team literally slump in disappointment. To further the point, I add, "After the war, demons have been banned from Faerie. I would receive little more than a slap on the wrist for taking you, maybe a few weeks in prison at most, but they would execute you on the spot."

"And me?" Nero inquires, seemingly more out of curiosity than any desire to convince me to take him alone.

"Even if they did not know you to be a demon ally, you are too innocent," I explain, and then frown when Atasah starts to cough. Nero nudges him with his elbow before motioning for me to explain. "Despite your probable age, you are young. As a prince of this realm, you were likely sheltered from the sort of...cruelty that resides in Faerie. And without water, you would be almost powerless. They would likely eat you."

For a moment, I do not think they actually believe me to be serious, perhaps thinking it a metaphor. However, it seems to dawn on the group a moment later that I meant those words literally. Plenty of Fae prefer to stick to animals or plants for food, but there are many more – water Fae, in particular – who would jump at the chance to try something new. And since I have been gone for so long, I am not certain how far my influence still extends. Being near me might not be enough to keep anyone safe.

"It's probably a good thing we never found that path, then," Atasah mutters, and the others nod solemnly. They were looking for a Fae path?

The group falls into an uncomfortable silence while Vepkoadur and Sidr start to exchange weird, almost thoughtful, glances. It is almost as if they are having some sort of private conversation...with their eyes? Finally, Vepkoadur asks, "What would you suggest we do then? We need the Fae's help, or at least their agreement to not fight against us."

I would say the Fae have no interesting in fighting with the witches, but then, the Court Kings are new and there is also the Tuil-Bheum. If any of them saw this war as a good chance to get revenge or further their influence, they just might side with the witches to do so. Instead, I think of alternatives to their plan. Who would I be able to take in order to prove myself to the demons, without getting on the receiving end of the High King's – whoever that is – ire?

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