Chapter Eleven - New Life, Old Friend

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[AN: Quick warning: There is relatively mild sexual content. At least, mild by the standards of what I've written in the past. I wouldn't recommend skipping it, but maybe skim reading the italicized section. Enjoy!]

~Chapter Eleven: New Life, Old Friend~

Something warm presses against my forehead and it takes me a moment to recognize them as lips. I end up smiling the moment I recognize the familiar sensation, though the expression disappears as soon as I realize that the sensation on my back is of a bed that is too soft to be mine. A dream then...such a shame.

Calloused hands run down my naked torso, and I smirk a little when I realize what the point of this dream is. It has been quite some time since I was last able to engage in such activities, after all. I would have these sorts of dreams every so often before I began to take care of the problem with Atlas's assistance.

Judging from the deep chuckle that belongs to a face I cannot see yet know better than most, it seems Atlas will be helping me even in separation. As this is clearly not a memory – I have never been in such a hazy mental state that I was unable to see anything around me besides golden fog – I am surprised that it is Atlas and not Jasper, who happens to be my...boyfriend, I suppose.

A dream is a dream and I shall enjoy it, even if it involves someone I now hate.

"Aστερ μου," Atlas murmurs in my ear, using an old term of endearment that I once loved. He always found some way to keep my magic from translating it, though he did eventually tell me what it means – my star. "How I have missed touching you, feeling you writhe beneath my hands."

The hands slide down until they come into contact with my unclothed hips and he starts to knead them gently with his strong fingers. For a sexual dream, there does not seem to be much sex. This does not seem to bother Dream Atlas, though, as he attempts to begin a conversation rather than moving his hands to somewhere that actually counts. "You are awfully silent. Is there something on your mind?"

Oddly enough, I seem to have full control of my mouth in this dream, opposed to the dreams where my response is automatic. "Many things, Atlas, but none of them would be what you wish to hear," I reply after a moment. I would prefer to save those scathing comments for when I meet Atlas face-to-face rather than take my anger out on a figment of my imagination.

Atlas hums in consideration. "I shall just have to change that, then," he says, moving one of his hands from my hip to cup my testicles. Atlas rubs them almost thoughtfully, eliciting a wanting groan from me as my lower regions start to take interest.

However, before Dream-Atlas can actually do anything about my growing interest, I feel him tense up and his hand stops immediately. "Zeus be damned, that bastard," he snaps, just as a growing buzzing sound makes itself known to my ears. "He had to think now, of all times, was the perfect time to visit."

"What?" I ask, afterwards clearing my throat to rid it of the huskiness. Is it possible to be confused in one's own dream?

Above me, Dream-Atlas sighs. "My apologies, Aστερ μου. I was hoping our reunion would be longer than this," he says, running a hand through my hair and confusing me even more. Reunion? "I shan't wait too long before finding you again, though. Be good for me, Ainmire, and all will be explained soon."

I rush back to consciousness so suddenly that it leaves me momentarily disoriented. The first thing I am aware of is that I am back in my bed. The second thing I notice is the semi-uncomfortable bulge in my trousers. And, finally, the third thing I find is that I had only been asleep for fifteen minutes, which is much shorter than I expected. Normally when I take a nap, an hour or two passes by before I wake up.

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