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Present time


"Brook, come on we're gonna be late for dinner at nana's!" I yelled through the household not knowing where my daughter is.

"Coming, mom!" She yelled back, emerging out from the kitchen with a cookie in hand and her teddy bear in the other. I laugh quietly as she comes to my side. I fixed her purple beanie on her head before picking her up.

"Let's go visit nana and grandpa." I kissed her temple before grabbing my purse as my bodyguards tried to push the paparazzi's away, doing my best to distract my 5 year old daughter who clutched tightly to me and buried her face on the crook of my neck. I held her tightly to me as we were escorted to the car. I quickly got in once they opened the door for us and closed it once were settled. Brooklyn is still holding tightly to me as I rub her back and whispering soothing words in her ear to calm her down from the flashing lights and the yelling of strangers with big cameras.

"Are they gone now, mama?" Her voice is so little and soft that I almost didn't hear her. I nodded, rocking us slightly in my seat before she lifts her head to look at me. Her blue eyes just like mine stared right back at me and smiled. She was missing a tooth in front making her look adorable.

"You're okay now, okay? Mommy is here." I stroked her cheek softly before leaning in to kiss her forehead. She nodded, letting her head fall on my chest as she played with the tips of my hair. After the tour, I had decided to let my hair grow back into its frizzy state though it kinda was like the Red era hair I was rocking on before, just a bit curly.

"Are we there yet?"

I laugh and shook my head, "not yet."

"How long are we gonna be here, mama?"

"Not too long, sweetheart."

She nods and leans her head back on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her forehead as we were driven to my parents house.

"Brook, Brooklyn were here." I shake my baby awake as she yawns and flutters her eyes open. She smiles up at me and nods, letting me out first before taking her in my arms and grabbing my purse. I thanked my bodyguard as he escorts us to the house. Brooklyn was already on her feet when the front door opened revealing my mom and dad with their arms wide open for a hug from my daughter.

"Grandma, grandpa! I miss you so much!"

Dad took her in his arms as they hugged tightly before passing her to my mom and doing the same thing. I smiled widely at the sight in front of me. They love Brooklyn just as much as I love her.

Mom looked at me, Brooklyn in her arms as she gestured for me to come forward. "Hey baby girl, we missed you."

I one arm hugged my mom and dad, mumbling, "I missed you too."

"Mommy, nana said she has a surprise for me!"

I raised my brow at my mom. She shrugs and chuckles.

"Did she tell you what your surprise is?"

Brooklyn shook her head, wiggling in my moms arms; wanting to be let down. Mom obeys and let's her down on her feet as she runs inside the house, probably looking for her surprise.

We all laughed as we all walked in the house, I looked at mom who was already looking at me with dads arm on her shoulder. "Okay, what did you get her, mom?"

"Just something."


We all rushed to the backyard, Brooklyn stood with her eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at her surprise aka a bike.

She turned around when she heard us coming, tears falling down on her cheeks as I walked closer to her. "Mommy, they got me a bike!"

I giggled, pulling her in to wipe her tears away. "What will you say to grandma and grandpa?"

She kisses my cheek before jumping out of my grasp and running towards my parents with her arms spread open. "Thank you so much!"

Mom and dad smiled, hugging her back. Dad ruffled her hair, "anything for our granddaughter."

She giggled and gave them both a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

They laughed and the whole day we taught Brooklyn to ride her bike. She got the hang of it after a few tries and soon she knows how to ride a bike.

Mom and I are now in the kitchen making supper. Dad, brook and my brother, Austin were in the living room watching Disney. Austin came about half way when we were teaching Brook to ride her bike. She was so excited to see her uncle that she convinced him to let him teach her how to ride a bike and Austin agreed without a second thought.

"So how are you and Brook doing?" Mom asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. I smiled, thinking of how the passed 5 years changed my life when I had Brook. It was the best 5 years and many more to come. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I wouldn't change it for the world.

"We're doing fine. Brooks doing well at school. She had a sleepover the other day at her friends. And she's been begging me to teach her to play the piano and of course I accepted cause who can resist those eyes? Anyway, she knows how to play the piano now and now she wants to learn how to play the violin. I swear this kid will be the death of me but I still love her no matter what."

Mom laugh, "seems like you two are doing great then."

I nod and a silence falls between us. Soon we were calling the rest of the family to dinner. Brooklyn was chatting away with my family as we ate. Just then she turned her attention to me, her face serious and a little scared.


I smiled at her, "yes doll?"

She hesitates for a moment before letting the words fell out of her mouth. The question I had been expecting but not expecting it at this moment.

"Who's my daddy?"


Hey guys! It's been awhile yea? Haha well I hope you like this! Okay guys you probably know who the father is ;) haha




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