T w e n t y - f i v e

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Taylor had gone out to meet up with Harry, hopefully she will tell him what happened between her and Louis. I volunteered to babysit Brook since I'm free for the rest of the day and I get to spend time with my lovely niece.

"Uncle Ni?"

I turn and saw the exact replica of Taylor and smiled softly at her. "Yes bug?"

"When is mommy and daddy coming back?"

I pick her up and kissed the side of her head. "Hopefully soon. Why?"

She shrugged. "I missed them."

I hesitated to ask her whats on my mind but I needed to know.

"Brook?" She hummed, not looking at me as she continued to draw. "Why did you asked me if Louis loves your mommy like your daddy loves her?"

She smiles crookedly at me. "I just know."

"What do you mean you just know?" I asked, laughing uncomfortably.

"Uncle Lou looks at mommy the same way daddy looks at her."

I stared wide eyed and mouth hanging open at her. How she knew still confuses me. I was about to reply when the door suddenly flew open and two different voices were screaming at once.


The blonde turned to look at him and glared hotly. "I DON'T KNOW HARRY! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?!"

I instinctively turned to Brooklyn who was watching her parents with intrigued. She didn't seem fazed at all like any child would. I frown and saw the tears silently streaming down her cheeks. I quickly pulled her to me and covered her ears.

"DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME TAYLOR?!" Harry's voice seemed so hurt and betrayed as he looked at her. "Do you even love me?" He asks, softly this time.

Taylor sighed and pinched the bridge of nose. "Of course I love you Harry."

"Then why did you kissed him back?" She didn't answer, she only hanged her head low. "Taylor, please tell me. Why did you kissed him back?"


Her answer clearly shocked us both. Harry stood wide eyed at her, not moving an inch.


"He was there when I needed someone the most." She cut him off, running a hand through her disheveled hair. "He was there throughout the whole pregnancy. He was there when I cried myself to sleep and almost miscarried. He was there when no one else wasn't." She then looked at him straight in the eyes. "He was there when it should have been you."

"Taylor I-"

"Louis was the one who was there for me throughout everything when it should have been you, Harry. Niall was there too." She turned to me and I froze. Harry looked at me, betrayal in his eyes. She turned back to look at him. "They're the ones you should be thanking for. They're the ones who were there for me. The ones who kept me safe and kept me sane. And yes, they knew. They figured it all out before anyone else could. I let them promised not to tell you until I was ready and they agreed. They didn't want to hurt you but they still did because I told them too. I know its selfish of me but I was thinking about the babies. I don't know how the fans will react when they found out I got knocked up by their idol." She paused, licking her lips. Staring mindlessly at the wall behind Harry. "Harry, I don't want you to hate the lads for keeping this from you. Its all my fault and I-"

She was cut off when Harry suddenly wrapped his arms around her tightly, engulfing her in a tight embrace. Her arms fell limply at her sides and her eyes were wide and tears starting to form. I looked down at Brooklyn and saw her watching her parents. It must have been hard for her. I cant imagine the confusion and pain shes feeling right now and all I can do is hug her.

Harry pulled away, tears falling down his cheeks as he wiped the tears on Taylor's cheeks. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "Now I know why he was acting that way and why Niall is so protective of you and Brooklyn and Louis. I know I've been a jerk and I wasn't there when you needed me and Im sorry. Im sorry, Taylor. And I hope you'll forgive me someday."

She laughed through her tears and wrapped her arms around his nape. "Do you think I would let you spend time with our daughter if I haven't forgiven you? Well thats were your wrong. Because I have already forgiven you before you could ask."

Without another word, Harry pulled her in a deep kiss and I scrunch my face in disgust. Brooklyn had the same facial expression and I couldn't help but laugh, effectively pulling the couple apart.

Harry smiled at me and wrapped an arm around Taylor. "Nialler."

I nodded. "Hazza."

Their eyes went to Brooklyn who was hiding her giggles.

"Brook?" Taylor said, looking nervously at her daughter as she realized that she had heard everything.

The little girl in my arms only laugh and jumped out of my arms and run to her parents. Hugging their long legs as Harry took her in his arms.

"How can you forgive us so easily sweetheart?"

She smiled at them and grinned so wide. "Because I know that people make mistakes and its better to forgive them instead of hating them."

Harry raised a brow, really impressed and awestruck. "And where did you learn that?"

"From mum of course!" She said as if her father was so silly not to know this. Harry laughed and kissed her forehead, muttering apologies.

My heart swelled at the sight and I took a quick picture of them all snuggled up in a hug.

Taylor's eyes found mine. "Like to join?"

I grinned. "Thought you'd never asked." And wrapped arms around the trio. Already feeling like Im home.


Hey guys! Its been a while since I last updated. Been a year actually and im so sorry for not updating. I kind of forgot about this book until HaylorSwifles messaged me XD So you guys gotta thank this lovely person for reminding me about this book. So yea! I hope this is good enough tho lol




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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