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"Who's my daddy?"

My breath hitched once the words fell off her mouth. I didn't know what to say. I'm at loss for words. I seriously didn't expect her to ask this question and I'm obviously not ready for this. I haven't even spoken to her father after founding out I'm expecting his baby. His probably married to someone or in a relationship or worse he wouldn't care about me, especially Brooklyn. I didn't want her to have a broken family but I also don't want her to be taken away from me once her dad knows he has a daughter. I can't live without her. Not since I found out I'm expecting.

"Mom?" Her eyes flashed worry. Her little hands cupping my cheeks as she stared at my eyes. "Mommy, are you okay?"

I don't trust my voice so I nod. Pulling her in a hug. Kissing her forehead, "mommy will always love you okay? Don't you forget that."

"I love you too, mommy."

"Hey Brook? Wanna watch Frozen with uncle aus?" Austin slowly stood up, mouthing 'I got this' before looking back at my daughter who is looking at me, silently asking for permission. I chuckled and nod. She jumps and thanks us and the God for the dinner before grabbing onto Austin's hand and strutting away to the living room, leaving me alone with my parents. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and let my head fall on the palm of my hands.

"Tay?" Mom said hesitantly. I looked up, tears brimming my eyes, blinking them back as I tried my best not to cry. It's not that I don't want my daughter to know her father. It's just its been 5 years since I last seen him and I also don't want him to live without knowing he had a daughter who is actually looking for him.

I looked at mom, tears falling down as I bit my lip to stop myself from crying and breaking down. "M-mom, I don't know what to do. What am I supposed to tell her? That her dad is with somebody else? Or worse what if her dad doesn't want her? She'll be heartbroken. I can't deal with the fact that her own father will break her heart. I mean I haven't spoken to him since I found out I was having a baby. His probably off dating some girl!"

Mom patted my back, pulling me in a hug. I hugged her back tightly. My tears staining her shirt as I cried helplessly in her arms. "Shh. . .just take it one step at a time. Don't rush things love. Give it a little time and when your ready you can call her dad and meet up with him. That way both of you can talk personally instead of him knowing through a phone call. He probably knows you have a baby since you've stated years ago that you're expecting and didn't tell anyone who her dad was. He still needs to know he has a baby girl. Just talk to him."

I nodded, my tears stopped finally. I wiped my tears away and smiled gratefully at my mom. "Thanks mom. I really needed that."

She smiled back, pushing away the strands of hair behind my ear before kissing my forehead. "Your welcome sweetie. Now go and get cleaned up. I'll take care of this, we don't need your daughter asking a bunch of questions why her mommy is upset."

I nodded once more before mumbling a 'thank you'. Dad kissed my cheek before helping mom out. I walked up to my room and freshen up. Moms right, I really need to gather myself together before facing my daughter again. I sighed and brushed my hair. My reflection staring back at me but something on the background stopped me from doing anything more.

I turned around, setting the brush back down on my vanity and walked towards my bed, sitting myself down and opening the drawer. There it is. The picture of us smiling at the camera. I had it framed when we were still dating but hid it so Brook wouldn't know who her daddy is. I didn't want her to know just yet. It's just, if I tell her who her dad was, she would freak out and demand me to meet up with him but the thing is her dad doesn't know who she is. I haven't talked to him in years and showing up to his front door saying that he has a daughter is something I know he wouldn't expect. He would probably be in shock and start yelling and I can't imagine the terrified look on brooks face once he starts to yell. I don't want that. Brooklyn doesn't deserve any of this confusion.

I sighed and put the picture down before closing the drawer and taking a deep breathe. It's now or never. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and scrolled through my contacts, stopping on a very specific name.

I bit my lip as I debated whether or not to call him. I mean it could be night time there and besides I don't know where he is. He could be in London or New York. I sighed and dialed his number. After a few rings, he picked up. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the familiar voice of someone I hadn't heard from since we broke up.



Aaaaaaannddd cliffhanger 😂 haha sorry for leaving you like this. I have to but yea didn't expect that didn't you? Welp here is chapter 2 for y'all! Hope y'all like it!! Tell me what you think on the comment section! Thank you for taking your time reading, love y'all!




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