T w en t y - f o u r

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I opened the door that has Brooklyn's name on it and saw that the little girl is still fast asleep. I smile softly before closing the door gently. I walked up to Harry and Taylor's room and opened the door only to see the person I'm looking for wasn't in the room.

I frowned and closed the door. I roamed the second floor of the house and came across a door that was slightly ajar. Soft music and a sweet voice echoes the room. I push the door open, not wanting to attract the blondes attention but the door gave a creak and she stop.

"Hey, nialler." She greeted without even looking at me. I gave a small smile before pushing myself in the room and sitting down next to her on the floor with a guitar resting on her lap.

I scoot closer to her and wrap an arm around her shoulder. She leans into my embrace and sets the guitar down beside her. Silence engulfs us as we stay like that in the dark room that is only illuminated by the moon shining brightly by the window.

I hear her sniffle quietly and I knew she was trying her best not to cry. I pull her closer to me, my thumb rubbing circles on her arm. "Shh. . .do you mind telling me what happened back there?" I asked gently.

She heaves a breath before nodding. She begin to tell me what happened. How Louis was trying to seduce her and how she gave in to temptation, and how Brooklyn saw them locking lips and having a little fight with her daughter. I listened, not once did I interrupt.

"—I don't know what to do anymore, Ni. Everything is just complicated and messed up. Brooklyn thinks I'm cheating on her father even though she forgave me already." She then let's out a gasp. "How am I suppose to tell Harry about what happened to Louis and I? His going to be crushed. I can't break their friendship because of our foolish actions! It's not fair for him." She jumps to her feet and begins to pace. Her brows furrowed in frustration, her lips pursed. She looks exhausted and drained. Her pale face scrunched in panic and worry. A crease forms on her forehead. Her long fingers pulling hard on her blonde locks. Bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept in days. She looked rather thin. Thinner than before.

I frown and stood up from my place. I took a couple steps to her and grasps her shoulders in my hand, just to stop her from pacing. My blue eyes locking into hers, frightened, panic, and pain are shown in her eyes. I let out a sigh. "Listen to me, Tay. I know you're suffering more than anyone in the world. But you have to keep fighting. Tell Harry what happened. It's better to be honest with him than to keep whatever happened between you and Tomlinson than to let him find out in the worst way possible. I'm sure he'll understand you."

She just stares at me, unshed tears pools in her sad and tired eyes. Her lips parted slightly then purses into a thin line. We stayed looking into each others eyes before she finally nods her head slowly. I let out a sigh of relief before pulling her into a tight hug. Her arms loosely wrapping around my waist as mine wraps around her upper back. Rubbing my hands soothingly on her back to try and comfort her. "I know you, Tay. Don't let a bump in the road swerve you in the wrong way. You know better than this. You are stronger than you give yourself credit. And I am proud of you." I kissed the top of her head. "You are stronger than you think you are, love. It will take time to heal and recover from the wounds but it'll be worth it in the end."

Her grip tightens and I did the same, knowing how much she needed someone to comfort her in her time of need. I gave another kiss on her temple as we sway to the music that only we can hear. Our shadows moving slowly as the moonlight shines on us.

Taylor is like a little sister I never had. Despite the age gap between us. I would do anything to see her smile again even if it meant sacrificing my own. She was there when we needed someone the most, always cheering us up and making everyone feel love. And now it's my turn to pay her. Doing exactly the same as she did for us.

I feel her loosening her hold on me and her body becoming heavy in my arms. I tilt my head slightly to see her dozing off in my arms. I smile softly and pick her up in my arms. Her arms instantly wrapping around my nape as I walked out of the room and navigate my way to their room. I set her down on the bed and she curls up in a ball. I pull the covers up to her body and swipe a loose curl away from her face. Leaning down to kiss her forehead. I stare at her once more before walking out of the room.

She means so much to me. And I know I'll be always there for her.

"Uncle Ni?" A groggy voice stops me from walking down the stairs. I twist my body only to see a mop of blonde curls, a hand fisted to rub off the sleep in her eyes. I smile softly at the little girl as I make my towards her.

"Hello princess." Her arms lifts up indicating to be picked up. I chuckle softly and picked her up in my arms. Her head resting on the crook of my neck just like her mother does as I walked down the stairs.

"Wheres mommy?" She asks, seeing that her mom is nowhere to be found.

I set her down on the stool. "She's sleeping."

She nods and smiles, a dimple popping out as she does so. But just as soon her smile came it was replaced by a frown. I watched her closely as her brows furrowed and eyes clouded with thoughts.

Just as I was about to break the silence. She looks up, an unreadable expression crossed her face and voices her thought.

I froze as I tried to think of an answer but I couldn't come up with anything. So instead of answering her, I smiled at her and asked what she wants for dinner. It seemed to work since her eyes immediately lightened up and told me what she wanted. As she walked to the living room to watch 'Frozen' and leaving me alone to work on our supper. The question was still etched on my mind.

"Does Uncle Lou loves mommy like daddy loves her?"


Heys guys! I decided to update today cause I wouldn't be able to update a lot since school is starting on monday and our orientation is tomorrow and I have to wake up early and all that. Enough about my rant! I hope y'all like this chapter.




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