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Double update 1/2


I stared at my phone. Thinking whether I should call her or not. It's been awhile and I haven't heard from her since I dropped Brooklyn off from her apartment.

"Are you just going to stare at your phone all day or what?" Gemma asked, plopping herself down beside me. I groaned and set my phone down. She saw the distress look on my face. "Hey, what's wrong little brother?"

"I miss her. I missed them both and it's driving me insane."

She frowns at this, "then why aren't you there spending your time with them?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, Tay seems to be all over the place and their location wise is messy. I want to call her but I know she would hand the phone to Brooklyn after a few words. I miss her, Gem. I miss her so much."

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Just give her a little time. I know it's hard for her to finally tell you that your the father and she's still probably shaken up from how well you took it. Just give her time, Haz. Everything will be alright."

"But I found something else as well."

She furrowed her brows at me, "what?"

I scrolled my through my phone and handed it to her once I saw what I was looking for.

She reads it silently. Her mouth pursing into thin line and then dropping into an 'O'.

"Y-you- Brooklyn has a twin?" She looked up. I nodded and frown. Taylor never mentioned about it. I only found out about this awhile ago. "And I'm guessing she didn't told you?"

I nodded. "One of the reasons why I was being distant from her. I mean, she told me about Brooklyn. I was happy of course that I have a daughter but finding out that I have another daughter and it's named after the name I said in an interview! For fucking hell! Why the fuck did she hid this from me?!"

"Okay, look no need to get frustrated about this. She must have a reason why she didn't told you about Brooklyn having a twin. Why won't you go and ask her yourself. It would be better if the both of you will talk."

"Talk? It seems like talking to her now is impossible."

Gemma rolls her eyes, "you're being overly dramatic."

"I'm not!"

"Just talk to her, Harry."

I huff and nodded. I'm going to talk to her but not now. I'm not just going to burst through the door demanding for answers for my questions. It would be a shock and it would hurt Taylor and Brooklyn. I don't want that. I've been avoiding them ever since I found out about Darcy. I'm hurt that Taylor didn't told me about her when she confessed that Brooklyn is my daughter. But I guess I don't know her reasons.

"Okay, I will talk to her but please just give me a little time."

Gemma smiled sympathetically as she nods, patting my shoulder. "I'll be off then. Tell me what happens after your talk."

I smiled, "sure will. Drive safe."

"Will do."

And just like that, she walked out of the door leaving me alone with my crazy thoughts.

All I need is to asked Taylor about Darcy. How hard could that be right?

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