N i n e t e e n

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First of all, I would like to apologize for not updating for so long. I've been quite busy with a new story I'm writing but it's not a Haylor. Its a teen fiction but dont worry, I'm going to complete this story before I post it. Anyways enjoy the rest of the chapter!



I held her as close to me as possible. Her head lying on my chest as an arm is draped over my stomach. My fingers twirling around her golden locks as she traced patterns on my chest. We stayed like that for a few moments. After the scene with Louis, Niall and Austin came in with a confuse look on their faces but the moment they saw Taylor crying in my arms, their demeanor changed and walked out without saying a word.

So that left Taylor and I cuddling in bed until her cries even out. It was silent for a few moments. Until she spoke.

"Darcy is a sweet little girl. Even though I've only known her for a few minutes I knew that she is as sweet as a flower." She pauses, she drew a shaky breath but I stayed quiet. "You know, the moment I saw Darcy she looks exactly like you only a miniature girl version. Green eyes, brown curls and the dimpled smile that she and Brooklyn inherited from you. It brought me to tears that I had given birth to twins and instantly felt love radiating off me the moment I saw them but the thing about giving birth is you weren't there. I screamed your name tons of times but you never came. I promised brook and darc that I will never let anything happen to them no matter what and that I will always protect them with all I have. And then moments later, I handed the twins to the midwife since they needed to run a few test. Darcy was still alive at that moment but I knew somethng wrong was going to happen and I was right. At first, I never wanted to believe them but when the words sinked in, the tears kept flowing. I never wanted her to go but I have to let go so I focused on raising Brooklyn. Put all my time and effort. I set my career aside so I can focus on her. I still write songs but not as frequent as I did before. I was still grieving over the death of our daughter and if Brooklyn. . .left too. I'd be a total wrecked."

I pulled her closer to me that she was lying on top of me as her tears hit my chest. She was sobbing uncontrollably, her body shaking as muffled cries passes her lips. I stayed quiet the whole time, just letting her cry in my arms.

Moments later her cries subside as she lays on top of me. She was sniffling slightly and her eyes were closed. I sighed and pulled the blanket over our bodies as sleep took us both.


"Please. . .don't hurt him. . .you don't understand. . .I love him!"

I jolt awake once I felt Taylor stir in her sleep. Fear, coursed through my body as she begins to scream. I gripped her shoulders, shaking her awake. Her body thrashing around the bed as I held her tight to me.

"Tay, wake up. It's just a dream. Wake up, baby. Wake up."

Her eyes shot open, blue eyes wide and glossy from tears. I kissed her tears away as she pulls me in for a hug.

"I thought I lost you. . .I— I. .in my dream, someone took Brooklyn a—and—"

I place a finger on her lips and she stops but her body is still shaking from her sobs. I pull her closer to me, I rest my head on top of her head. "Shh. . .it's okay love. I'm here, I didn't leave you. I would never leave you and Brooklyn. I love you both too much to even leave. You and Brooklyn are my family. And I will never ever leave you. Do you understand?"

I cup her face in my hands as I look into her crystal blue eyes that were filled with tears, slowly her tears streams down. "I love you. I always have and always will. I know I was wrong for leaving you alone. And I admit I was a dick back then. But god Tay, I swear to god I will never leave you and Brooklyn again. I'm really sorry but please know that I love you. I'm not saying this because I have to. I'm saying this because I really am in love with you and you don't have to say it back. I understand if you're not ready yet. I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you how much I love you. I promise."

She burries her face on the crook of my neck as she hugs me tightly. "Thank you, Harry. It really means a lot to me."

I smile softly at her, kissing her forehead. "Your welcome babe. Now get some sleep, I'll call Gemma to bring Brooklyn tomorrow."

Just I was about to stand, her hand grips on mine. I look at her. "Please don't go. Stay."

I nod and lay back down beside her. Her head instantly rests on my chest as my arm snakes on her waist. I kisses her forehead before we both drifted off to sleep.


Hey guys I'm really sorry for not updating and this is super short I'm sorry for that too. But plesse bear with me, I promise you that there will be more exciting things that will happen in the future. Anyways I hope you guys liked this. Have a good day!




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