F i v e

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Morning came and I was greeted by two loud voices telling me to wake up. I groaned and rolled over the bed, my face on my pillows as the bed bounced from the jumping.

"Come on, Tay. Wake up. We made you breakfast in bed."

I groaned once more, reluctantly rolling over to face my two precious human beings. "You did?" I ask groggily, sitting up as I pulled Brooklyn in my arms in for a hug. Harry nods and smiles at me. He sits up next to me, with the tray of food in hand and setting it down on our laps. I looked up at him only to see him looking at me, we both smiled and I leaned in to peck his cheek. "Thank you."

I didn't look at him to see his reaction and just fed my daughter with the delicious pancake they made. "This is so delicious!" I hummed in delight. Ruffling brooks hair as she giggles. I still asked even though, I already knew who made it. "Who made this? This is delicious!"

Brooklyn looked up at me, eyes tinkling as she say, "daddy helped me make it!"

I smiled and finally made eye contact to my daughters father. He smiles back at me before asking brook if she wants to go to the park. They both looked at me, asking for permission and I hesitated. I mean, sure I just told them about who's father/daughter is and it was pretty hard, knowing that the both of them can take it well or not and besides the world doesn't know that Harry freaking Styles is the father of my child. Everyone will freak out and probably haters will start to send hate. Not only to me or Harry but also to Brooklyn. They could even make a rumor about using my daughter to get back at my ex and brainwashed him as the father of my child cause I needed publicity and song material. Note my sarcasm.

Harry must have seen the look on my face because he tells Brooklyn to play with Meredith and Olivia to which my daughter happily jumped out of the bed, pecking our cheeks before running out of the room. He focuses on me now, green orbs searching for my blue ones, trying to make eye contact. Hands gripping on my shoulders.

"Tay? Taylor, look at me." When I was looking at him, he continued. "I know what you're thinking about. And I know it's too soon for us to go out together as a family and I know I've only been here for just a few hours. And I know once were out, people will start to question things. Send hate and everything that can tears us apart." He wipes a tear that rolled down in my cheek and I sniffle, "and I love you more than anything and gosh I'm so stupid for leaving you. I'm really sorry, Tay. And I am happy that this little child brought us back together. I don't care if you want to be friends or more than that though it would be cool if you got to be my wife." He pokes my nose and I crinkled my nose, stifling a laugh. "And that we could finally be a happy family."

"A very happy family." I add, he nods. Pulling me in for a hug. I tightly hugged him back. One of his hands that wasn't on the back of my head, rubs my back comfortingly. "I'm glad you're back, Harry."

He kisses the top of my head, "I'm glad, too, Tay. I'm glad, too."


Turns out, Harry, Brooklyn and I stayed indoors for the rest of the day. We baked, watched movies and had a dance party in the living room! Brooklyn was having fun which is pretty good for me cause I don't ever want to see my daughter sad especially now that her daddy is here.

A phone ringing broke our little bubble. Harry hesitated but when he saw the reassuring look on my face, he finally answered the call. Standing up, leaving a kiss on Brooklyn's head before walking out of the room.

It was silent between me and my daughter. It was quiet until Brooklyn scooted closer to me. "Mommy?"

I pulled her in my arms, leaning back on the headboard with her in between my legs and her head resting on my chest. "Hmm?"

"Is daddy going to stay with us from now on?"

I took a deep breath. "I don't know, baby girl."

"Daddy loves us right?"

Not knowing what to answer, I just nodded and kissed her forehead. She finally stopped asking questions and soon, she was asleep in my arms. I chuckled and set her down on my bed, careful not to wake her up.

While Brooklyn is sleeping beside me and Harry busy talking with someone on the phone. I reached out for my nightstand. Pulling out a picture, no one but me knows.

I smiled at the picture. It's a beautiful picture, me and my baby girl. My daughter. I just wished she made it but I guess things happen for a reason. I haven't been able to visit her since the break I had while I raised Brooklyn. It's been awhile now and I missed her so much.

I just wished I didn't lose her.


And this is chapter five! Hope y'all like it! As y'all noticed, I only update every Saturday. I'm sorry if I just post a chapter once a week. It's just, school is pretty hectic but since Christmas break is coming. I'll try to at least post chapters twice a week. I'll try but I'm not making promises.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy! Love you and have a great day/night!




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