T w e l v e

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Double date 2/2


"Yea. . .sure. I'd love to come but. . .I don't know, I haven't spoken to him in a while. . .okay okay. Thank you, bye."

I hanged up the phone and sighed. It's such a busy week. I've been doing the best I can to make this worthwhile for Brooklyn. Her birthday is coming up and I have invited all our closes friends and family which means Harry and the lads and his family are coming. It scared me a bit since I haven't talked to his family since we broke up and it's driving me nuts. I don't know what to tell them. How am I supposed to tell them about Brooklyn? Possibly, Darcy. Okay, just take deep breaths, Taylor. You'll figure it out.


I turned my head and plaster a smile on my face, seeing Brooklyn holding up another one of her drawings that she made. She drew three stick figures, all with smiles and were holding hands and a what seem like an angel smiling from above. Labeled as mommy, daddy, Darcy and me. I smiled at her work. "That's beautiful, love. Want me to put it up on the fridge?"

She nodded her head vigorously and I took the drawing from her hands. She was smiling from ear to ear, visibly proud of her work. Most of her drawings were stuck up on the fridge and some of it were in her room. She's also working some of her art for her dad which is sweet since I haven't seen them bond since the day I told him about Brooklyn.

She skipped through the kitchen up the stairs to her room, making more. I leaned on the counter, looking at the latest addition. Darcy, oh how I missed that little girl. Even if I just held her for a few minutes, she was still my angel. I know deep in my heart that Darcy is looking down and smiling, quietly telling me that's she's safe and sound in the arms of the lord god. I smiled at the thought and went to my room, changing into comfortable clothes.

I sat on my bed, trying to clear my head from thoughts that keep me up at night.

A loud noise coming from my phone made me jump, almost falling flat on the floor as my heart beats faster. I calmed myself down, scrambling to get my phone and answering without looking at the caller ID.


"I'm outside your door."

My heart pounded in my chest as the person on the other end, hanged up. I gulped and stood up. I walked down the stairs to the front door, I bit my lip and took a deep breath.

Opening the door, there he stood with his hands in his pockets, head hang low and a foot kicking a small rock. He then looked up once he heard the door open, he smiles. The smile that stole everyone's heart, the smile that stole my heart. "Hey."

I smiled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Hey."

We stared at each other, lost in each other's eyes. "Oh! Come in."

I mentally slapped myself, he chuckles and I step aside to let him in. He brushes past me and it sent shivers down my spine. "Where's Brooklyn?" He asks, looking around the threshold like he haven't been here before when in reality he'd stayed in this house for more than twice.

"She's in her room." He nods as he ascended the stairs to Brooklyn's room. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen making myself a cup of tea. I waited for the kettle to make an annoying sound when Harry walked in, arms crossed around his chest.

"How are you?"

I tilt my head back to look at him, I shrugged. "Good."

"I'm not convinced."

I sighed, "I'm fine, Harry."

He purses his lips, he still seems unconvinced but he nods anyway. His eyes roaming around the kitchen when his eyes landed on the drawings that were plastered on the fridge. He walks over to it, taking a drawing and examining it. A drawing that has Darcy in it. I gulped.

He looks at me, lifting the paper up. "Who's Darcy?"

I sucked in an air. Not knowing what to tell him. I know I said that I'm ready to tell him who Darcy is but now it seems like a cat got my tongue and I can't speak.


I didn't know what happened but I started running. Running away from him. And to make it worse, it began raining. Soaking me from top to bottom, I didn't care if I was getting wet. All I cared about was running away. Running away from Harry.

"Taylor wait!"

I looked back, seeing Harry just a few steps away. I run faster, tears streaming down my face but it doesn't seem like I'm crying cause the rain was pouring harder than I thought.

"TAYLOR!" Two headlights shined bright before me, I felt light. I was flying, the world around me is spinning. I want to sleep, my eyes grew tired. A blurry vision of a man shaking me awake and the faint sound of a siren is all I know before I blacked out.


Here's a Valentine's Day special for y'all!!! Hope y'all are having the best time with the people you love! And if you're celebrating Valentine's Day alone don't worry, the right person will come for you. That person will come and sweep you off your feet. Have a nice Valentine's Day guys!




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