E i g h t e e n

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Its my birthday!!!!

Here's a special update for y'all! Enjoy!



My eyes shot up to his.

Blue meets green.

I gulp, I hadn't realize that Louis was still holding tightly onto my hand until I felt him squeeze my hand so tight that it hurts. But I ignored the pain and tug my hand away from his, Harry's eyes flickerd down to our entwined hands and I desperately try to pull my hand away from the dead grip.

"Harry, it's not what you think. I—"

"Oh I know what I think it is. No need to explain, Taylor. I get it." He cuts in and before I can explain any further, he had walked away.

I turn to the man sitting innocently on my side as I pull my hand away from him, this time he let me and leans back with an annoying smirk playing on his lips. "Seems like lover boys jealous."

"Piss off Louis." I snap, he looks taken aback at my statement as I begin to pull out the wires that were hooked on me.

"What are you doing?" He asks, once he sees me taking out the wires and the oxygen mask. "You're still on bed rest. You can't expect that once you wake up, you're all brand new."

"Why do you care?"


I slap him right on the cheek, echoing a loud smack throughout the room. His head moving on the side from the impact of my hand. I was breathing heavily as I stared at him. My body shaking from rage towards this man who thinks he has a chance on me when all I ever wanted was the man with green and brown curls and the smile that I loved so much. Not this man who forces himself to a woman who is madly in love with someone who's not him.

"Don't you ever—"

I was cut off when I felt cold lips on mine, hands gripping firmly on my forearms, nails digging as I cried in pain only to be muffled by his lips that we're nothing but the man I love.

And that's when the door slide open and a voice that I wanted to hear since he left rises.

"Get the bloody hell away from my girl." His hands loosened as he was pulled away from me. I watched, flabbergasted. The horrifying scene playing out in slow motion.

Harry grabs onto Louis as he punhes him square in the face. Jabbing on his left cheek and punches him on his stomach making him stumble on his feet and running away like a defeated man he was.

Harry was soon on my side as he hooks back the wires on me. I let him as I sat still. Tears silently streaming down on my face.

He stop, looking at me as he engulfs me into a hug that I craved for since the moment I saw him. I hugged him back, burying my face on his chest as I hold tight on him. His hand patting my head as he kisses my temple a few tines as he let's me cry.

I gently push him away but still kept my arms wrapped around him. "You came back."

He looks down at me as I look up at him. He smiles softly at me. "Of course, I would. You're my girl. My one and only."

Right there. In his arms. I knew he would never let anything happen to me. No matter what happens.


Hey guys here it is!!! I knew y'all we're eager to know what will happen and since now you know I'm planning on doing something for this book. Anyway, hope you enjoy.




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