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Double update! 1/2


"Brooklyn, daddy's here already!" I yelled through the threshold. Brooklyn and I had just recently just got home from our little vacation and now Harry is here to pick her up to spend a day with him and the lads which means I'll be having an alone time which is very much needed on my part.

"Coming mum!"

Pitter patter of feet were heard as my little girl runs down the stairs with her Louis Vuitton backpack that Karlie bought for her 4th birthday. "You got everything in your bag?" I asked once she's standing beside us. She nodded and smiled. "Well have fun with daddy then." I gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek before letting her go as she grabs a hold of Harry's hand. I smiled at the both of them. "Be on your best behavior, Brooklyn."

"I will, mum. Don't worry." I smiled at my little girl as she and Harry both waved goodbye. I waved back and watched them walked down the steps.

"I'll bring her back tomorrow afternoon."

"Alright. Drive safe."

He smiled one last time. Opening the car door as he buckled Brooklyn in her car seat. Then he went to the drivers seat as he rolled down the car window. "We'll see you tomorrow. Have fun!"

"Bye mummy, love you!"

"Love you too! See you tomorrow!"

Then just like that, they drove away. I sighed and closed the door. The house is quiet. Well, I guess I'm gonna watch reruns of Law & Order and Grey's Anatomy without any disruptions.

"Guess it's gonna be me and my thoughts today."


I chewed down the Chinese food I ordered as I watch reruns of Grey's Anatomy. It's been a good few hours since Harry took Brooklyn for the day. And I'm enjoying my alone time but that doesn't mean that I don't worry on my daughter. I bet Harry is getting irritated by my phone calls the past hour.

My phone lit up from the coffee table as I pressed pause on the remote before grabbing my phone. It's a message from someone I last expected and no, it's not from Harry.

I bit my lip. It's been awhile since I last heard from him. He has been against my friendship with Harry when we started dating that's why I was so distant from Harry. I sighed and ignored the message on my phone. I don't want to deal with him right now. All I care about now is my family, including Brooklyn and Harry and especially the people who loved and cared about me as well.

It's already past seven and my phone lit up once again, praying to God that it wasn't him who was calling. I sighed in relief when I saw his name.

"Hey!" I answered, standing up from my position on the couch and picked up the box of leftovers.

"Hi love. Brooklyn wants to say goodnight to you," he mumbles, I can hear Brooklyn in the background asking Harry if she can talk to me now to which I giggled. I hear him sigh and the phone is passed over to my daughter.

"Hi mommy!"

I smiled, "hi lady bug!"

We talked for awhile until I told her to go to bed cause it's late and she agrees before telling me she loves me and goodnight. The phone is passed over again to Harry.

"Thank you, Harry."

He seems to be in shock cause he was quiet for a moment before I hear him say, "your welcome."

I smiled and bid my goodbyes to Harry before hanging up the phone. It's not that I don't want to talk to him. I just didn't know what to say. I mean what's to say to the father of your child when you don't even have something to talk about and his probably busy with Brooklyn at the moment.

I looked at the clock and it's 8 o'clock in the evening. Since I don't have anything to do why not visit?

I quickly changed into a beige sweater and jeans before putting on my purple beanie and my boots. Shrugging on my coat as I closed and locked the door behind me.

I took a deep breath, it's been awhile since I last came here and I missed her so much.

Parking the car, I grabbed my bag and flowers that I bought on the way and made my way inside. Different rooms were passed by and I stopped in front of a specific room. No one was inside but what can I expect? The people who only knew about her is my family, friends and Brooklyn. No one else but us. Though I did told the world about her in an interview and a post on Instagram but that was only one time.

Brook knew about her cause I don't want her to live without knowing who she was and she sometimes tells me that she misses her and it broke my heart hearing her say this.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door. We had this room for ourselves though mom had suggested to bring her home with us. It's not that I don't want her there, it's just. I want to move on with life but not to the point of forgetting her.

I sat down on one of the benches in the room after setting the flowers down in front of the vase. "Hi baby girl."

"Mommy misses you." I croaked, looking at the picture of my daughter. She's only a minute old and I know who she resembles at this moment. Harry.

She's Harry's carbon copy and I bet she has those dimples that Harry and Brooklyn has. Green eyes and brown hair. An opposite of what Brooklyn looked like. If she were here, it would be easy to identify that their in fact, Harry's child. Brooklyn looks a lot like me except the dimples and Darcy looks exactly like her dad.

How I wish I didn't lose her.


Hey guys! I am so so sorry for not updating for almost a month! So here's a double update for you all who voted, read and commented on this book! I love you and I hope you are enjoying your day and this chapter as well! Have a great day/afternoon/night!



Until next time,

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