T w e n t y - t w o

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I quickly pushed Louis away from me and stared wide eyed at my daughter who has a confused and hurt look on her face. I gulp, taking a deep breath. Why did this happen to me?

I faked a smile and walked towards her but instead of stepping forward, she took a step back. A frown slips my lips as I looked at my daughter. "Brook?"

She shakes her head, tears glistening her blue eyes like mine. "Why— Why we're you and uncle Louis kissing?" She asks shakily, I could see her hands shaking slightly. I opened my mouth to utter a reply but she cut me off. "Aren't you only supposed to do that with dad?" She suddenly gasps, "are you— are you cheating on daddy with uncle Louis?"

I flinched at the word 'cheating'. I gaped at my daughter, she may be young and innocent but I knew even at that age, she understands things like no other child her age can.

"Brooklyn I—"

I reached out but she flinched away from me and run up to her room. "BROOKLYN!" I hear the door slam shut and I run a hand on my locks frustratingly as I face Louis and pointed a finger at him. "We'll talk later." Without waiting for a reply, I rushed up the stairs. I knock on her door, "brook, baby, open the door please."

"Go away," she mumbled through the door. My heart broke. I mentally kicked myself, cursing myself for the tears that my daughter is shedding because she barge into her mum kissing another guy who isn't her father. Good job, Taylor. You've done it again. Always messing things up.

I sigh and knocked again. "Brooklyn, baby please. Let me explain."

It was quiet for a few seconds before I hear muffled steps and the door opening slightly. Her tear stained face peeks through the gap of the opened door. I push the door gently and quickly engulf my daughter in a hug. Her arms tightly wraps around my nape as her face buries on the crook my neck. I can feel the tears sliding down from her cheeks to my neck. I hug her tightly, tugging her on my lap as I rock us back and forth. "Shh. . .mommys here. Its going to be alright."

It took us half an hour to get her to calm down. Brooklyn shifts in my arms and I adjusted slightly. "Mommy?"

I look down at her, wiping the dried tears on her freckled little adorable face. I smile softly at her. "Yes, brook?"

She bites her bottom lip, I can tell that she is trying to formulate a sentence in her head before she says it. She always have this look on her face when she's thinking or either finding the right words to ask questions or say something that's on her mind.

Finally, her blue eyes like mine looks into mine. Her toubgue darting out slightly as she takes a deep breath. "Are you— are you cheating on daddy with uncle Louis?"

I gulp and sigh. I knew what I was doing. I was kissing him back like there's no tomorrow. I don't have any control in the way my body acts at such act. She's five for Pete's sake! How is she going to understand?

I bit my lip, just like what she had done earlier. "Mommy is not cheating on daddy."

"Then why we're you kissing him?"

Damn she's smart. "You caught mommy and uncle Louis at the wrong time. I was about to push him away when you walked in." I half heartedly say, I wasn't lying but I wasn't telling her the whole truth either.

She tilts her head, her tongue pokes the inside of her cheek as her eyes glazed over with thoughts. "Okay."

I raised my brows at her, "okay?"

She sighs, "I believe you mommy. I'm sorry I acted that way." She blushes. I chuckle softly and kiss her forehead.

"Apology accepted."

I got Brooklyn to nap after singing her a few songs. I closed the door slightly and was surprised to see Louis leaning on the wall with his arms crossed against his broad chest. I frown and begin to walk away from him.

"Taylor. . ."

I shiver. My name rolling off his tongue like a silent prayer. I turn my head slowly. His ocean like eyes bores into my crystal ones.

"Caught us at the wrong time, aye?"

I snap my eyes up to his. He has a bored look on his face as if being in my presence bores him. "Stop it."

"You weren't saying that when you were kissing back."

I glared at him. I opened my mouth to utter a remark when a breathy and familiar voice echoes through my ears.

"Who's kissing who?"


Hi guys!! Sorry it took me long to update. I hope y'all like this!! Also what do you guys think about Harry's album? I really do believe that Two Ghosts is about Taylor as well as Meet Me In The Hallway. I mean most songs are about Tay. It was like 1989 2.0. Most songs are about Harry and now in Harry's album. Most songs are about Taylor. I'm not saying that the whole album is about Tay and vice versa.

Anyway enough about my rant. I do hope y'all like this! Don't forget to




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