T h i r t e e n

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I watched her flew. Her body landing a few feet away and the car drove off recklessly. I ran towards her lying body. She was bleeding violently and I cried out, shaking her awake. Someone was calling the ambulance and soon they came. People were circling around us, trying to get a better view of what happened. I hugged her close to me, blood staining on my clothes but I didn't care.

I was being pushed away by medics, they quickly check on Taylor. Flashing a light on her eyes after checking her pulse. They were shouting things at each other and one of them nodded, quickly putting her on a stretcher.

"Sir? Sir, I need you to focus. Would you like to come with us to the hospital?"

I nodded, trying my best not to stumble and fall. I followed and sat next to a medic and grab a hold of Taylor's hand. Rubbing my thumb over her knuckles. They put an oxygen mask on her and hooked up an iv on her arm and other things. I couldn't keep up with what their saying until I heard one of them say. "We have to hurry! We're losing her!"

Soon enough we were off the van and they were wheeling Taylor to the ER. I tried coming with them but they pushed me away and told me to wait in the waiting area were a few people were sat as well.

I then remembered something.


Fuck! I quickly stood up, telling the nurse to call me as soon as possible when she has information about Tay's condition and she nodded. I sprinted out of the hospital and I remembered that I didn't bring my car with me since I went with the medics. Not wanting to waste time, I run as fast as my feet can and soon I stopped in front of the house. Opening the door, memories of what happened just awhile ago came flashing back to me and I tried my best not to throw up.

Quickly, running up to our daughters room. There she sat hugging tight to her teddy bear.

I was panting heavily as I stared at her, she didn't notice me though. Just sat there rocking back and forth holding the teddy bear for dear life. "Brook. . ."

Her head snapped at me, her eyes were bloodshot and silent tears were streaming down her cheeks. It broke my heart to see her like this.

"Dad. . ."

I rushed to her side and scooped her up in my arms. She nuzzles her face on the crook of my neck and she sobs quietly. I bit my lip as I grabbed her coat and a bag that Taylor packed for emergencies.

Rushing through the threshold. With Brooklyn in one arm already clad in her coat and her bag slung over my shoulder. I grabbed my keys and locked the door before rushing through the car. I buckled our daughter up on her car seat as she stared blankly at me, clutching her teddy bear as I kissed her forehead before closing her door and rushing through the drivers seat and driving away.

Now, Brooklyn sat in my lap as we waited for any news to be given. Just anything. It's been a few hours now since Tay's been in the ER and I tad nervous and scared of what the outcome would be.

I had called her family and my family and even the lads and Karlie and Selena about Taylor.

"Harry. . ."

All three men stood there, panting slightly as they stared at me. Brooklyn jumped out of my arms as she run into Liam's arms. He scooped her up in her arms as she buried her face on the crook of his neck.

Louis looked at me, eyes blazing with an emotion I can't fathom. "What happened, Harry?"

"Not here, Lou." I pleaded, not wanting my daughter to think that her dad is basically the reason why her mum is in the emergency room.

He sighs and nods, telling the lads that we'll be right back.

"Now tell me what happened?" He asks, arms crossing against his chest. I took a deep breath and started telling him how I found an Instagram post from Taylor about Darcy and getting pissed at her for not telling me about my other daughter and how Gemma talked me out of it saying that we both needed time and how I confronted her about Darcy.

Louis stared at me blankly, arms uncrossing and the next thing I knew, I was being pushed against the wall by an angry Louis.

"You caused this?!" He glares at me, I gasped for air as I looked back at him.

"Louis I—"

"No! Don't you dare Louis me! The reason why Taylor is here is because you fucking pushed her. You fucking confronted her about something she's not ready to tell you yet. How fucking stupid are you to just demand answers and expect it to come your way, huh? They both suffered a lot while you are just prancing around with girls in your arms not caring about her and Brooklyn and possibly Darcy! You—"

"Uncle Lou?"

A small voice stopped him from going any further. Our heads snapped at the direction where my daughter stood looking back and forth at the both of us as she clutches on her teddy bear.

"Why are you and daddy fighting?"

Louis sets me down, his chest rising and falling heavily as he looks at my daughter. His eyes softening. "Daddy and I are just talking, love."

"Brooklyn! There you are! You almost gave me a mini panic attack." Liam interrupts, scooping Brooklyn in his arms for dear life and telling her not wander around in a place like this to which my daughter nodded. Just then his eyes averted to Louis and I and he gave us a confused look. "What's going on here?"


"Harry and I were just talking."

Louis cuts me off. Liam nods, sensing the tension between us. "Okay."

He walks away with Brooklyn in his arms and I heave a breath. "Lou—"

He shakes his head, he looks up and I see something in his eyes: hurt and pain. "Don't even think about it, Harry." Then he walks away, leaving me alone with my jumbled thoughts.

I frowned and pinched the bridge of my nose. Trying my best not to stress about anything.

I walked back to the waiting area were Niall and Louis sat, talking quietly among themselves. Niall smiled at me and I smiled back, Louis just stared at me and went back to talking to Niall. I sighed and sat down across from them, putting my hands on my head.

What have I done wrong?


Heres the update y'all are waiting for. Sorry if it's a bit shitty and all. I promise it will get better.




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