F o u r t e e n

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We all sat waiting for any news about Taylor's condition. It's been a few hours since I brought her here. Liam took Brooklyn to his and Cheryl's house saying that he'll be back first thing in the morning tomorrow with Cheryl. I gladly smiled and thanked him before kissing and hugging our daughter goodbye and telling her to be in her best behavior. Brooklyn nodded, holding onto Liam's hand while the other clutched her teddy bear.

My family and Tay's family came an hour after Liam and Brooklyn left. Austin was muttering something under his breath as he sat on the bench alongside their mom and dad. Her family was glad to see me again, knowing that I know about Brooklyn now since Tay told her family.

My family well. . .they took it well, Gemma stayed while mum and Robin went to Liam's house to help him out with Brooklyn. My parents and Tay's parents actually got along together since they have met before when we were still dating. Austin and Gemma talked a bit though they were a bit awkward.

Niall was at the cafeteria eating God knows what and Louis. . .well he is still looking at me like he wanted to kill me. If looks could kill I'd be dead by now. I don't know what's wrong with him.


I looked up and saw Niall looking down at me. I smiled a bit, "hey mate."

He didn't smile back, he purses his lips and tilts his head a bit. "Mind if we talk?" He pause, "privately."

I stared at him and nodded. Standing up from my seat I told Gemma and Louis that we will be back. Louis rolled his eyes while Gemma nodded and continued to scroll down on her phone.

"What is it mate?" I asks, once were in a quieter and secluded area and far away from Louis and Gemma as possible. "Is there something wrong?"

Niall sighs, he looks at me then at the ceiling then back at me. He bits his lower lip before letting out a sigh. "I know Louis has said what he had said and I want to apologize on his behalf. But Harry, what you did. What you said to Taylor probably freaked her out. And I—"

"Why do y'all keep blaming me for what happened to her?" I interrupted. I know I was wrong for pushing her about Darcy and I am probably the cause of why she's here now in a hospital bed but why keep blaming me?

Niall furrows his brows, "were not blaming you mate. It's just that if you didn't—"

"Pushed her she'd still be here. I know. Tay's alive and she's going to survive. All we have to do is pray for her and not lose faith."

He narrows his eyes on me but I didn't care. I know what I did and I was sorry and I know I can't undo what happened.

After a pregnant pause, Niall shakes his head. "I'm sorry mate. For blaming you and everything. I just wished Tay's not in this condition. She's been through a lot. And I just want her to be finally happy."

I soften and stared at Niall. I forgot that he and Taylor were practically siblings. Well they treated each other like brother and sister. Besides me, Tay was close to Niall.

"Niall, I'm sorry. I just—"

He shakes his head, letting out a laugh though nothing was even funny. "You know what's funny? The fact that we promised her that we will never let anybody. Anybody. Hurt her. She is like a sister to us. A sister I never had. And I hope that you know how much pain you're putting on us. How much pain you're putting on Brooklyn and her family. I hope you know that we love and care for Taylor. And I hope you know that if you hurt her, again, you will never get to see her for the rest of your life."

I stood there, shocked. My mouth hanging open. He stares at me for a good minute before patting my shoulder and smiling at me like what happened and what he just said earlier didn't happened at all as he turns on his heel and walks away. He stops midway, head tilting to the side. "Oh and Harry?" I looked at him. "Take care of yourself." Then he walks away.

First Louis now Niall? What the heck is going on?


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but I promise the next chapter will be a bit longer. Hope yall like it as much as I do drama's gonna happen and I swear yall need a heads up for that haha but anyway, hope you enjoy your day and if not feel free to dm me :)




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