Chapter 1: The Lone Wanderer

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The year is 3476, The world is in ruin. The United Empire had a global nuclear meltdown, Humanity is at the brink of extinction...

But in the irradiated rubble of a once great nation, a man, with hardened skin and a steel heart. Goes on to find the people left in the world, and unite them.

This man's name is Aaron Falconclaw, or as he's better known as, The Lone Wanderer.

And his dog, Impact.

Now this man was just as intimidating as the landscape around him, and twice as rough.

His rugged black hair, that  stuck out in places it shouldn't, went down to his shoulders. His face, scared and chiseled, portrayed that of someone who was not afraid to kill.

But what was most interesting about him was his eyes, his steel colored eyes showed no emotion, he was hard to read, no one had ever gotten close to him, and he was fine with that.

His dog, a young little pit bull, black and slender. Was loyal to his owner, he would do anything for him.

Aaron wore armor, leather, stitched together with patience and skill. Slung over his back was a long sniper rifle. It's ammunition stuffed safely in his pockets.

Hooked to his side was a sharp and deadly dagger, sheathed, but just as dangerous.

They were looking for anything that might be useful, ammo, food, water, scrap metal.

The cool wind brushed against the old crumbling buildings, the dead sickly trees swayed.

Impact barked, he had found something. Aaron looked up from his perch, as he normally would. And jumped off the roof of the crumbling shop.

"What'd you find Impact?" Aaron's rough voice asked as he walked up to his furry friend.

He barked again and shuffled over some torn curtains that had fallen of a broken window.

He stopped and wagged his tail, sniffing an old cabinet that was half hidden in the rubble. He barked at his master a final time before falling silent.

Slowly, Aaron pulled out his dagger, unsure what was in the container. He grasped the handle a carefully pulled it open.

There wasn't much inside, a hairpin, some old coins. But in the back of it, something caught his eye.

many small tins of canned food were stuffed into the back. Almost filling up the back shelf.

And if anyone had seen him they would've sworn he cracked a quick smile.

"Well bud, we hit gold." He scooped up the food and laid it in his pack. Moving some extra ammo out of the way first.

Impact strolled to his masters side, his tongue lolling cutely out of his head, this earned him a pat on the head.

"Good job buddy, now let's head back. We don't want to be caught out here when the sun sets."

Impact barked in agreement, following behind his masters step.

Now just as the sun was going down a brown colored hill, the creatures started roaming. Irradiated things, some with two heads, others with too many legs, and still some so large they shouldn't be allowed.

It was then when Aaron pulled out his rifle, the mask he wore on the top of his head he pulled down, giving him night vision.

"Stay close Impact." He said, and he strolled calmly over a puddle of stagnant water.

Impact whimpered, he didn't like the dark.

Ah, but Aaron loved the dark, he was born and raised in it. Learned to live and breathe it.

But finally they reached their destination, an old petrol station, it was one of the only stable buildings left in the area that wasn't under a blanket of radiation.

Aaron opened the door to this station, for this was the place he called home for all twenty six years of his life.

There was a garage, with trinkets that did an assortment of things strewn about it. There was a bathroom, but the plumbing didn't work so he had turned it into a storage space.

A hole was carved into the bar, Impact slept here, so it was covered in dog hair and drool.

And then there was a rickety bed, enough for one person, this is where Aaron slept, when he slept at all.

With a thump Aaron flopped on his bed with the amount of grace you would expect, none.

He took off his armor, not looking any less intense without it, and rummaged through his pack, dropping all the food cans on the table beside his bed.

I verity of different things came out next, extra ammo, a dagger sharpener, a canteen, and finally a few dry dog biscuits. Of which he gave one to Impact.

It was late, but Aaron was not tired, not even a little. So, as Impact fell asleep he was staring up at the rusty ceiling.

What he was thinking about would be impossible to tell by the naked eye, but he was still human, a very rough human. But still a human male.

And images of things passed through his mind, as it would any person. He hadn't found any other person other than himself in a while. And although he wouldn't admit it, we was a little bit lonely.

He pushed these thoughts out of his head, friends were the first people to stab you in the back, he reminded himself. And he dozed into an uneasy sleep.

Guess who's back, and better than ever!

That's right, It's me!

What do you mean, This isn't what you wanted?

Ah, Be silent my children. One day, we will get there.


I've had this idea for awhile but never had the experience to make it happen. But now I do!

I hope you all enjoy, please tell be what you think in the comments. I'm always up  to listen.


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