Chapter 8, Let's Get To Know Each Other.

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Chapter 8,


"Careful, Careful." Matthew and Alex carefully settled me on my bed while Samantha warned them to be careful.

"Really Samantha, I'm fine. Just a headache." I assured her as I laid back on my comfortable bed.

It was Friday and the doctors told me it was alright for me to go home but that I needed to be more careful. I noticed they were curious as to why I had these panic attacks but I seriously didn't want to get into that with doctors. I've had enough with hospitals for now. So currently we just got home from the hospital and Samantha seriously wants me to relax. She has been worrying ever since we drove here.

"Yes sweetheart but your on medications. The doctor specifically said no extreme movements." She said with a sigh.

Matthew laughed slightly. "No extreme movements." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I immediately knew what he implied by the gesture and threw my head back. I shook my head

and laughed.

"You are disgusting Matthew! Go to your room." Samantha demanded while she pointing out my door. Matthew continued laughing as he strode past her.

"Well anyways I gotta get to work on that presentation. Kid, if you need anything Matthew's right next door. If you need us, we'll be downstairs." Alex said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks." I smiled appreciatively. This family has been there for me since the day I came to live with them and I am most utterly grateful for that. If it weren't for meeting Samantha, I'd probably be in the streets by now.

Getting already cozy in bed my phone decided to ring. I groaned as a wave of pressure, pressed against my temples. "Hello?"

"Nathan?" A voice I recognized belonged to Tyson spoke.

"Hey man. What's up?" I asked as I sat up carefully.

"God. I thought you died or something. I went to the hospital just now and they said you were no longer there. So now I'm on the bus heading home. If you wanna meet up let me know. I haven't seen you well since...uhm t-that day." He said awkwardly.

It was true though. Tyson hasn't called or visited me while I was in the hospital, which led me to believe that he thought I was a psycho. I mean to be honest I could care less about the fact that he's a jock and all that popularity crap but the fact that he's the first friend I've made beside Matthew in this state was just frightening. Frightening in the way that I would no longer have friends at that school because of my extreme outburst.

"Yeah I guess you wanna know why that happened, huh?" I asked as I tugged on a loose piece of fabric that was tugging at the sides of the pillow.

"Fuck yeah man." He said with a light titter, in a way to try and amuse the conversation but his voice was serious.

"Well I guess you can just come by I mean I'm to sick to even get off this bed. I have an excruciating headache." I informed Tyson as I held my head.

" I got a couple of bucks in my wallet. I'll make sure to stop by the store to get you some advil." He says.

I chuckle. "Don't even worry about it. Samantha made sure to leave many on my bedside before leaving."


Shit. That was right he didn't know about my biological parents. My family. The girl. He knew nothing. "I'll explain when you get here." I hung up after giving him the address. However going back to the last thing I said, I doubt I'll be telling him anything about the girl.

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