Chapter 18, Damit, I Hope We Make It.

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Chapter, 18


          So it's been about two months of dating Katelyn and it was, amazing. We've been on a total of about ten to twelve dates now and we've become a lot more touchy and kissy around each other and I'm thinking of finally asking her the big question. I finally decided to ask her to be my girlfriend because I'm pretty sure as well as I am that she's been dying for me to ask her.

"Oh, Nathan!" I look up from Alex's laptop— which he let me borrow for a project—and saw Samantha standing there with a crying Hallie in her arms and a guilty looking Blake behind her.

"Hey—" I close the laptop and place it on the coffee table. "—everything okay?" I asked as I frowned at the cute little crying girl.

Blake frowned. "I didn't mean to. I was trying to fix one of the wheels on my toy truck and when I went to pull something off it I didn't know she was behind me so my elbow hit her eye."

I hissed, almost feeling the pain she must be in. I stood up and went to take Hallie from Samantha. "Heey," I cooed as she continued to cry. I held her to me and let her cry on my shoulder. "It's okay baby. Let's go put some ice on it."

"Blake what did you do to your cousin?" I heard Alex asks his nephew but I was already in the kitchen setting the princess on the island. Hallie whimpered when I let go.

"I'm just gonna get some ice, princess." I opened the fridge and opened the bottom where all the ice is. I pulled out an ice pack that they kept there and walked back to Hallie who was frowning and touching the side of her eyes which was getting a tiny bit red.

I frown as she wince at the coolness of the ice pack. "Baby you gotta leave it there for a while. You don't wanna have it get black and blue right?"

Hallie pouts and shakes her head. She was still kind of shy around me but I didn't mind it at all. "No, right? You're a princess, we don't want you to be hurt."

I saw her cheeks get red at my comment and I chuckled. Matthew walked over with a bowl of cereal in his hand and he frowned at Hallie. "Shit, what happened?" He set his bowl in the sink and stood in front of his baby sister, holding the pack.

I suddenly heard my phone ringing and I went towards the couch to fetch it. I almost smiled when I saw it was Katelyn. I tapped on accept and put the phone to my ear. "Hello Beautiful.."

I heard her giggle from the other line before she spoke. "Hi, Nathan."

I smiled. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just called to ask if you were free today?" she asks, shyly.

I bite my lip and notice Alex and Samantha watching me from the couch. The T.V was on, showing Criminal Minds. Of course. "Are you trying to ask me out on a date?"

Alex smirked and gave me a thumbs up in which earn him a light smack in the head from his wife. I chuckled at that and the fact that Katelyn was obviously blushing. "No, I just...miss you and was wondering if you wanted to come over my house?"

I smiled. "I've missed you too, baby." It was true. The last time I've got to see her was four days ago on our date to the movies and unfortunately when she got home she had unexpected visitors. Her aunt and cousins were over for the weekend, so she couldn't hang with her friends for a while.

"What about your family? Did they leave?" I ask her as I go back into the kitchen. Matthew was holding the ice pack to his eye and doing a stupid dance, making Hallie laugh.

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