Chapter 16, Dangerous Encounters & First Dates

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Chapter 16,


     "You're dead." He said and set his tray down. 

                 I tried to let out a scream an apology—anything—but I was frozen to my spot with Cedric Finnly in front of me. Cedric was very tall, a possible inch taller than Nathan but both guys were near the same height. His midnight black hair was styled messily over his head which made his light blue eyes shine.  He had on a pair of blue washed jeans and a black shirt which showed off his muscles and the bulging vein that was appearing on his biceps.

"Cedric!" Oh, thank goodness! "Don't you dare!" Mindy exclaimed as she stood in front of me and her brother.

"Back off Mindy, this doesn't concern you." he sneered and at this point we were getting a lot of attention. Mindy made sure to pull us over to a corner at the back where it was empty. "This is the second damn time today! The first was an accident but you just put your hands on me and now I'm about to do the same to you."

"Wait! I'm sorry!" I squeaked as I moved away from his incoming body. Cedric glared at me and Mindy told him to calm down. "It's just that I was upset because you got my friend beat up."

"Does it look like I care?" Cedric's face was like a stone. He really didn't care. "Next time tell your little friend not to flirt with my little sister and we wouldn't have a problem!"

"He wasn't flirting with me, Cedric!" Mindy said.

Cedric rolled his eyes. "That's what you think. I know guys like him and your little boyfriend." he said as he looked back at me.

"Nathan?" I asked, even though he wasn't my boyfriend...yet. It was still a curiosity to me that Cedric would know about him. What did he mean by 'I know guys like him and your little boyfriend?'

"Yeah. Him. The new guy." He referred obviously to Nathan. "I actually feel bad that your dating him."

"Who I date or who I even talk to, doesn't concern you. So I'd appreciate if you don't say anything else horribly about him or Tyson." I suggested in a somewhat demanding matter.

"I don't take orders from you, you little brat." He tried to pry his sister's hands off him, in attempt to grab me and he did. "You should just fuck off before I decide to reenact what happened last year." he said and I felt as if there was a hamster racing on its wheel, increasing my heart rate.

Last Year, Cedric was arrested for the murder of his own step father. I don't know what that whole deal was but the news spread pretty quickly around school and we were all terrified of him. Some of you are probably like...Oh but he could've had a reason to kill him. Maybe the step father was abusive towards him? I have no clue but the day he was released out of jail he came into school with an evil smirk as if what he did was amusing. He took a life for god sake.

"Cedric don't be stupid!" Mindy said and sent me an apologetic look.

"I'm just being honest. The next time you put your hands on me which I doubt you would do, I'll kill you." he warned and it was very scary to look at his widened eyes. "And I won't hesitate." He said and shrugged his sister's hands off him.

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