Chapter 9, Biology & Family Night.

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Chapter 9,


        "The Blue-Ringed Octopus. After that awful argument with your parents back at the hotel, you opt to explore the shallow tidal pools on shore. After scavenging through all the dully colored shells, you come upon a tiny octopus. As you approach, bright blue rings appear on its skin. Curious, you pick the magical creature up." We all grimace as Professor Carson sets a jar with the blue ringed creature on his desk. "Luck is not on your side today kids. The appearance of those bright rings is the warning sign of the blue-ringed octopus."

It was currently Tuesday Morning and we were studying about some of the deadliest creatures alive, with our biology teacher, Professor Carson. Your probably asking yourself, why is he taking biology when he already has a science class? Which is Forensics. Well you see, I found that class very frustrating so I took the liberty of paying Mrs. Lockhart from the main office, a visit to change my class and a few others I had slight disagreements with.

"Mr. Carson if this is a deadly creature how the hell is the school letting you keep that thing in here and most importantly if the blue rings are warnings for them, I'm pretty sure it would have been impossible for anyone to touch it. So how did you manage to capture it?" My lab partner Lucas, asks.

This boy was average height probably around 5'11. Brown hair, hazel eyes, skinny and vulnerable looking. He seems like those kids who get pushed around by people like my friend Tyson, whom I'd have to have a word with if that's actually happening.

"Excellent Question Lucas. First, the principal made it very clear that any dangered creatures must never be removed from out of the jars. Secondly, You are very right. You cannot touch this creature unless you do want to be hurt. So what I did one day, when my son and I were on vacation was set a jar, near distance to the octopus which was in the water and swooped it up."

Lucas nods and suddenly looked at me which I found a bit strange because he hasn't looked at me once. However the strangest part was when he looked past me with a look of fear.

Turning around I see a tall guy sitting next to a girl. He was leaning against his chair with his arms crossed while he starred at me. My eyebrows creased together in confusing. What's his problem? I shook my head and looked back to our professor.

"The beak of the golf ball-sized bottom feeder is strong enough to pierce through wetsuit gloves and give the handler a fatal dose of venom. You probably won't feel the toxins, at first. That's only because you'll be completely paralyzed. But believe us when we tell you that you'll begin to feel pain when you realize you can't breathe." He explains.

One of the cheerleaders groaned while she filed her nails. "Mmh. That creature would be great to get rid of Dean." I had to chuckle at that.

Dean glared at her. "Bite me, Britney." He said to her.

"Enough you two!" Professor said in a warning tone before realising a sigh. "Now, I would like you all to look up more on this creature. This will be your homework for tonight. "

Quickly jotting down my homework, I go over my notes to see if I didn't miss anything.

                                                                 Nathaniel Reed              09/28/13.   Professor Carson            Biology    

   What is a Blue-Ringed Octopus?                                                                 

• A blue ringed octopus is a creature with mysteriously blue circled shaped on it's skin which contains venom.                                 

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