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She Mended Hearts;

"Go and sort it out with her Manik, a companion like Alya is not someone you'll find everyday."

Breaking Her Own.

"You're the most selfish bitch I've ever met in my life, who can go to any extent just to have what you want."

She was what,
He could call home.

"Why, Why, Why out of all the places on earth do I always bloody land up at Nandini's backyard??"

Hopes ran through her nerve,

"Manik, hope is like a star... Even If it's the darkest night na, you'd still find atleast one, shining,
if you look close enough.."

Always kept others above,

"Nandini aisi hi hai, jo dil ke kareeb woh sabse pehle, khud se bhi pehle. She doesn't care if they even acknowledge her presence or not."

Because all she ever wanted,

"I'll give you everything you want, just name, car, property... tell me, what do you want?
Just give my Abhi back to me.." she shouted.

Was Love.

"My Love, Nandini, is more powerful than your hatred. You know why, because hidden behind your hatred,

your love for me is still the same."


"That's the problem, with this thing called love,
 You Fall... and fall and fall,
 and then you don't know how to rise."


My First Original Fanfiction on MaNan... 

A Story of Love, Friendship, Heartbreak. 
A Story Of MaNan.

MaNan FF - Angel In Disguiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें