Welcome Back!

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A big Hello to all my MaNan readers!

To start with, I'm simply amused with the sudden rising number of MaNan fans messaging me on personal, posting on my feed and commenting on my old chapters to resume writing this story - & I cannot be more grateful to you all for wanting me to still write for you!! ❤️❤️

As I had posted on my feed, I have resumed writing, though very less, but that's still a start. I still don't know for how long or to what end I'll bring this story considering the time I have at hand right now is too less for a passion as demanding as writing. 

But anything for my MaNan fandom yaaaa!!❤️❤️❤️

I've got the most love & encouragement to write from you guys, and i hope I am able to pay it back through my stories.

Starting today, I'll be refurbishing the already published chapters till now - which is a good time for you to also read through them to recollect the story so that you can connect with it when I publish the new ones.

Your engagements (reading, commenting, voting if you haven't) will help me and #MaNan fandom win at "The Clash of the Fandoms" contest on Wattpad.

We are the best-est fandom, aren't we? ❤️

Lots of ❤️,

P.S - Please do drop your comments, so I know who's back here to read my story! :))❤️

MaNan FF - Angel In Disguiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें