Magic and the Sea by royal888

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By royal888  

Lilian, Michael and Nicholas were looking at the sight in front of them nervously. They had sneaked out to enemy territory about three days ago just out of curiousity. They had spent the time hiding at the coast looking at ships and hoping to choose a safe ride home. But it was no easy task at all.

Lillian swallowed hard "This ship is our only hope. If we dont get on this one then the patrol soldiers will find us. Look at the armed men unloading from their warships one by one ready to search the area for their escaped prisoners. Its only a matter of time before they come to our hide out."

Michael spoke "No way. We can't get on this ship. Do you have any idea who owns it? I am sure you dont otherwise you wont suggest it. I would rather risk getting caught."

Nicholas spoke "Yeah Lillian. Look at the name on the ship's body. It says it loud and clear to stay away."

Lillian spoke "So what if the ship is owned by her."

Michael spoke "Suit yourself. I am getting on no "Maria The Witch" ship. I dont care if I am captured. I would take a prison sentence any day over sharing a vessel with that witch."

Nicholas spoke "Me too. I am not getting on that ship either."

Lillian spoke "Fine. I will get on that ship by myself. Have fun. I am sure you will once those approaching soldiers take you away."

Nicholas and Michael looked horrified as they saw Lillian running to the ship labelled "Maria the Witch" and that was when soldiers were getting closer and closer searching the grounds.

Michael and Nicholas looked at each other nervously. Michael spoke "I am scared."

Nicholas spoke "Me too. Maybe its not such a bad idea to take the risk of getting on that ship. I want to be free."

Micheal nodded "I agree..... Run."

Both wasted no time. Michael and Nicholas ran inside the ship. The entrace to the ship closed behind them and they felt the ship moving away from the coast. Then to their astonishment, the wooden floor of the ship they were standing on disappeared and they were pulled downwards. Michael and Nicholas screamed as they fell downwards but felt relief as they landed on a pile of pillows. Then they saw her, the famous Maria the Witch that no one dared to cross. Even the kings and queens of every land feared her. She was free to roam the seas with no regard to no borders and no laws. Even pirates and sea patrols steered clear of her way and now here they were Michael and Nicholas standing in a room facing her busy with her potions in her bedroom. They had no idea what she was planning to do to them and they didnt want to know.

Maria the witch spoke without turning around "You two. What brings you to my ship? I tried asking that friend of yours but she fainted when Webster went to greet her."

Michael spoke "Where is Lillian?"

Nicholas added "And who is webster?"

Maria the witch sighed "Make yourself useful. Will you? Go wake up your friend who is lying there. She might freak out if I touch her. She called me evil witch. Well if I was evil I would not have saved you people. You will see some real evil witches soon... Now. I finish making my potions by the time on our journey we are going to need defending ourselves."

Michael and Nicholas looked at the direction Maria the witch had pointed at. They saw Lilian unconscious on a bed. They ran towards her. Michael started shaking her and Nicholas kept calling her name. After minutes Lilian opened her eyes and then she spoke stuttering " You are .... alive... That evil witch didn't kill you? Where is that's monster? Did he attach you?"

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