Valentines Kitchen by @moudenes

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By @moudenes

Now, more than ever, the world needs more . . . Compassion.

Damn it! We are running low on supplies.

"Alex? Are you here?" I hear my mom say from the kitchen.

Yeah, in the pantry."

"I want to introduce you to somebody."

I walk outside, and next to my mom, there is a guy about my age. His dark hair is parted on the side, and his cheeks have a pink tint from the biting cold outside.

"Alex, this is Dean, our newest volunteer. Dean, this is my son Alex," my mom says.

"Nice to meet you, Dean. Welcome. Ma, I need to take a trip to the food banks. We are low on everything. Maybe they have stuff in overstock from the donations of the holiday season."

"Why don't you bring Dean?"

"Great idea. Let's go for a ride," I grab my keys from the counter and my jacket.

Dean follows me to our van, and then we head towards the city outskirts. There is a light dusting of snow everywhere, but today it feels less cold than in the previous days.

"Have you done this before? Volunteering?" I say to Dean.

"Yes, during the holidays. This is the first time I signed up for the long term."

"Thanks, we can always use the extra help. Don't you celebrate the holidays with your family then?"

"I don't have a family," he gazes out of the window.

"So you are a stray?" I say.

"A stray?"

"That is how my brothers and I call each other. Ma, rescued us from the streets like stray cats. She gave us a chance at a new life while everybody else was kicking us to the kerb," I say, feeling grateful for having her.

"Why were you living on the streets?"

"My mother died when I was a kid. My father was fond of the bottle and gambling. I stole at first and then got caught a few times for breaking and entering. The last time I came out of juvie, I went to the apartment and found it closed. One neighbor told me that my father had died. I had nowhere to go. I went to a supermarket and was putting a carton of milk under my coat when Ma approached me. She said to me, 'Come with me, and you will never go hungry.' I asked her how she knew I was hungry, to which she replied, 'you are trying to steal milk and not rob the till.'"

"I'm sorry Alex."

"It's alright. It was a long time ago. Now, like Ma, I want to help as many people as possible. Well, at least feed them, so they will never go hungry. We also know people in the neighborhood and put together the resources. From a hair cut to reading lessons, we have somebody to give us a hand. I haven't asked you, will you be helping us serve food?"

"I can do that if you need me to. Otherwise, I'm available to offer counseling services or even a game of chess."

"Many of the people who visit the center can use your help, and the entertainment, of course."

We arrive at the first food bank, and I greet the managers. They bring me to their overstock, and I pick packs and cans of food. I thank them and head to the next place.

"You picked a small amount of food, don't you need more?" Deans looks thoughtful.

"I could use more, but the food banks also serve families in need. I'm grateful that they help us, as we don't fall under their programs."

We head to the next food bank, and then the next one and repeat the process.

"Well, this should get us through the next five days," I park back at the center.

"Only five? What will you do afterwards?" Dean looks surprised.

"Pray for a miracle," Mom always tells us that things will be okay.

"Well, let's get started. I assume that you know how to mix coffee. We have a hot pot on the whole day with some crackers. In the early evening, we will serve macaroni with beef," I say, looking at my planning.

"You don't serve soup?" Dean places the big can of coffee on the counter.

"Maybe once a week, I make a hearty one with beans. Even homeless people deserve a variate and healthy meal. I can't offer them a place to sleep, but at least I can send them to the shelter with a full belly."

Dean smiles, we work well together, and he even helps me to prepare the ingredients for the meal. We talk about everything; besides being handsome, he is a smart man.

"You studied to be a chef, why aren't you working in a restaurant?" Dean says while stacking bowls.

"I did for a while, but this place needs me. She will kill me if she hears this, but Ma is getting old and running this place is hard work. I get a small salary from the government as compensation for running the kitchen. I have lived my whole life without luxuries, and I don't need them now."

"You are very kind Alex. Most people don't understand the sacrifice of what you do and the why," Dean puts his hand on my shoulder.

The days go by, and on the ones that Dean works with me, I go to work with more enthusiasm.

Today is Valentines day, and we made quite a good job of putting up bunting and little plates with candy hearts. Homeless people deserve extra love on days like this. Many of them had families, relationships, and lost everything. I only hope that the people get here on time; I checked the weather prediction and there is a nasty blizzard coming our way.

I hear a small knock at the back door, I open it to find Dean and two other guys standing outside.

"Good morning Alex, these are my colleagues, we have donations in the van. Where can we put them?"

I'm just standing on my spot, looking like an idiot with an open mouth. Dean places his hand on my arm and I snap out of it. I lead them to the pantry where my shelves are almost empty. They all work and bring box after box of food.

"Where did you get all of this?" I look at the pantry, we are set for maybe a year.

"We did a food drive at the school where I work. Some parents gave money donations," he hand me an envelope, with checks made out to the kitchen funds.

The gesture is so heartwarming that I have trouble containing my emotion. Dean rubs my back, as I try to get myself under control. I look at the window, and it's snowing hard. I call my mom and tell her to stay home instead of coming here. This is no weather to be driving in; she complains and whines, but agrees to it.

The first guests arrive, and we serve the food. We have fewer people to feed than usual, and I guess they headed straight to the shelter. I don't blame them - the snow is getting heavier. The last gues says goodbye and we close the kitchen.

"You should go home Dean, it's becoming dangerous."

"What about you?"

"I will stay here, I don't want to drive in this weather."

"Why don't you come with me? I live about five minutes from here. The walk might take us longer, but it beats sleeping here."

I pack food from the leftovers and head with Dean to his apartment. We arrive feeling cold to our bones, I dish up the food, and we eat on the couch, covered with a blanket while watching the television.

"This is the best Valentines day ever," Dean says.

"Yeah? Why?"

"Cause I got to spend it with you," he blushes while playing with the frayed edge of the blanket.

"I don't think it's the best day ever," I shrug.


"No, every day I spend with you is the best. Be mine?" I say handing him a candy heart.

Dean's eyes open wide in surprise. He smiles and nods; I cup his cheek and give him a sweet kiss.

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