Miracles Do Happen by shaurya_jain

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by shaurya_jain

 Miracles Do Happen 

 Every time I look at him every thing becomes as if in slow motion and all I can see is my whole world standing in front of me and oh do I adore him! Every thing else becomes a blur; insignificant like specks of dust floating merrily around.

I see something more beautiful in his brown eyes than in the stars or even the moon. I can see paradise aglow inside his eyes: a rare sight but one which is not uncommon in those bewitching oculi. Maybe it's the aesthetic string lights on the grass around us that make him look more celestial or maybe it is just the perspective of a girl who is hopelessly in love with him..."I love you."

You imagine hearing these words from someone you're not related to, someone who's not your best friend, but when someone you've been in love with your entire life, someone you dream about every night, actually says them, it makes your whole body tingle with elation and your breath get caught in your chest.

"You...you love me?," I manage to stammer, trying to look surprised as if I was innocent enough not to have wished upon all the 11:11's for him to say these three little words to me.He turns towards me and facing me, he nods.

I inhale a deep breath. Wait...why was I holding my breath in the first place? Am I crazy? Well, for this guy, maybe I am.

I can almost swear that I saw his enchanting eyes in the midst of the darkness save for the yellow string of tiny lighted globes.

Gosh, does he have perfect eyelashes!

Oh my god he is staring at you. Quick brain, think of something clever to say!"But it doesn't make any sense. Why would you love me? I mean I'm not even cool like the other girls at school. It's just...no, it is impossible," I shake my head.So much for saying something clever, Shasha.

I look up at the sky and somehow strain my eyes to spot a shooting star.We often come to his backyard for stargazing and on many occasions have we seen them but when I badly need to get a glimpse of one, the little devils seem to have disappeared.They are common in these areas, now why can't I see one?!

I actually think that by wishing on a devious meteor his answer will be something that my ears have been wanting to hear since a long time.Hardly do I realize that one doesn't need falling self-luminous heavenly bodies to make a wish come true.

"It doesn't make any sense, huh?," he says repeating my words, "well, you know, the universe is under no obligation to make sense to you, Shasha," and, saying this, he kisses me. HE KISSES ME! A proper two-minute-interlocking-of-his-lips-and-mine kiss. So this is what fireworks feel like.

I'm sure I look stupid as I have my eyes open the entire time. I'm kind of taken aback yet so happy.To think that we had spent all this time alone! I realise that this isn't just a first kiss but a recognition of one soul by the other.

"I love you, too," I whisper, out of breath, as he finally stops kissing me like I'm sunlight and he has been locked away for 365 days.

"I've loved you for, I guess, a few years now!" I say excitedly."Why didn't you say so before, you silly woman?," he inquires, calling me by the nickname that he had given to me back in 9th grade and which, he many a time claims, is pretty creative. I always say that it is lame just like his sense of humour although I know for a fact that he is the wittiest guy I know.

Also, the most charming and good looking."Umm...I...," is all I can manage to speak as I play with a very green blade of grass when he interrupts."Say it again," he tells me. He let his hand lightly brush past mine,"Tell me that you love me. Please.""I love you, too," I repeat, hugging him. He is different than the rest and for once in my life I can be sure of it.

"For the record, you're the smartest, coolest and the most beautiful girl I've ever met. And have I ever told you that you look gorgeous when you wear this red top? For that matter, you look amazing in anything that you wear," he states lovingly while pushing a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and kissing my forehead. I watch him with a light in my eyes and a smile on my lips wondering how lucky I am to be in his presence.He kissed my forehead! If that's not the cutest thing then I don't know what is.

We lay in each other's arms for a good two hours just talking about school life and how in a few weeks we will be off to our respective colleges for further studies. He says that he will definitely come to meet me once a week to take me out on romantic dinner dates and amusement park dates as my college isn't far away from his.I just smile.

As we walk back to his house to have dinner, I can imagine how I never thought that a casual trip to his backyard would end in the most beautiful night which I will always remember. Miracles do happen and I have never been happier.

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