Unavoidable Fate

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By dupi94

Sound of footsteps echoed from the distance. It belonged to a boy with black scarf covering his neck and mouth. The wind kept getting stronger as the boy reached a gate of a certain school. It was quiet all of a sudden after he stopped. He closed his eyes for a moment, recalling his conversation with his junior.

- - -

"Wataru, are you going out?" his thoughts were interrupted by the mention of his name. He got up from his seat and approached the source of the voice.

"Maika, can you keep a secret?" Maika looked confused until she looked at the eyes of her senior. It was filled with sadness. She knew where he was about to go.

"You are going to fight Akemi, right?" She already knew yet she still wanted to convince herself that Wataru wouldn't do it. Wataru, much to her disappointment, nodded. She sighed.

"This is inevitable I must say, once you found out her true identity, this will definitely happen. But, is this really necessary?" She kept herself calm, not wanting to show her true feelings. Wataru searched through his worn jacket, and asked for Maika's hand.

"Wha-" it was a silver ring. Maika's eyes went wide after she saw this. Just then, Wataru left the room. Maika tried to chase him.

"Wataru wait! Wait for me!" She tried her best to call him, but he was gone already. Her shoulders dropped once she stopped running. She slumped into the floor, looking to the ring he gave her. The ring was supposed to be his limiter after the experiment. If that were to be taken off, Wataru's physical prowess would went over the level of normal humans.

He was serious. He was going to fight all out against someone whom he used to call best friend. Tears slowly made their way through her pale cheeks. No matter how hard she tried, Wataru's eyes only fixated to Akemi. His first true friend and vice versa. Yet, their purposes clashed against one another. She was jealous every time Wataru mentioned Akemi. Akemi was an important person for Wataru and Maika felt she was never on the level of how much he cared for her the same way like he cared for Akemi.

"I hate you. I hate you! I HATE YOU AKEMI MARUFUJI!" She let out a hatred-filled scream before started to curl herself up and cried. She cursed herself for not being true about her feelings. And how she kept Akemi's true identity a secret, which caused a rift between her and Wataru not long after that. Wataru's personality changed for a bit after that as well. She prayed silently, hoping that none of the worst possible outcome will happen.

- - -

Wataru stepped inside the school. He scanned through the school areas, looking for the person he wanted to see for a long time. So many memories flashed through his mind as he made his way past several areas. The park, the place where they had lunch everyday, talking about random things. He chuckled as he remembered. The school field, where she watched his soccer matches, and then the dojo, where she always trained together with Nagatsuka.

Nagatsuka dying face slipped through. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist hard. He felt responsible for the death of their senior. Nagatsuka was the supervisor of the dark side of the city, and tried her best not to let both of them got involved too deep. He still remembered her weak smile when he held her in his arms. Asking him to promise her.

'Save Akemi. I beg of you.' Her last words made his mind clear. No more hesitation. He had to do this. Before he realized, he already arrived.

A seat where a girl was waiting. Black hair, white skin, a butterfly hairpin on the left side. It was her. The place was where the first time they met. Both of them were thinking the same way. Noticing his presence, she closed the letter she was reading and it went up in smoke.

"I see you can use fire technique now." Said Wataru while slowly removing his gloves. The girl smiled a little.

"Oh it was nothing really. I already mastered it 3 months ago." Her tone betrayed her expression. It was empty. She got up and looked at Wataru. Wataru stopped walking.

"It's been a while Koyama."

"The same goes to you, Marufuji."

Akemi touched her hairpin, from her back came out an artificial wings which glowed red. She put her hand on the tip of sword handle Wataru cracked his knuckles, trying to relax his body.

"I don't want to fight you Koyama. You're not my target." She let out an uninterested voice. Wataru raised his eyebrows.

"Then why do you let that 'thing' out?" Wataru pointed towards the wings. Akemi laughed.

"This? From what I'm seeing, our 'hero of justice' wants to punish some evil. Since nobody is around, and you stand there with the same expression when you punched through Nagatsuka; you definitely want to kill me." She said calmly, putting a small fear in Wataru's heart. But he quickly shook it off.

"No! I promised her I will save you. I won't let you continue being a reaper that put fear and unrest towards our people! Even..." he gulped, "...even if I have to put my life on the line. I will save you without killing you!" His eyes glowed green. Akemi sighed, before slowly pulling out her sword.

"We will see just how strong your will is. I have to tell you, you are wasting your time for me."

"I'm not! What kind of a hero I am if I couldn't even save my best friend?" He choked up a bit. Akemi looked surprised, then turned furious all of a sudden.

"Then, I just have to prove my point by cutting you to pieces!" She lunged up with full strength slash. Wataru stayed calm, then whispered.

"Over. Limit."

Akemi's slash hit his fist. They separated for a moment before clashing again while shouting loudly, as the sparks of duel between two conflicted hearts heated up the chilly afternoon.

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