Heaven On Earth

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By niki_allen0119

How about we start this collection of dreams with one that filled me with euphoria that I still carry on to this day. I believe that I was about nine years old at the time I had this dream. It was so stunning to me that I remember nearly every detail still, despite having dreamt it all those years ago.

The dream started off so clearly. It was one of those dreams that was so clear, at the time until I woke up, my nine year old self believed that this dream was real. Even my senses were engaged. I played in the backyard, and I could feel the grass tickle my toes as I ran through it with my hot pink flip-flops. There was a gentle breeze that rustled through my long hair, and the breeze was very cool. It was in the middle of spring in my dream, and that spring dream day was very chilly. So, I ran into the house to get my jacket. Sadly enough, my brain fails to remember the color of the jacket, although I remember it felt thin.

I ran out of the house and back into the backyard, when my eyes instantly caught sight of a butterfly fluttering about. It was a pearl white butterfly, larger than most. If I had to guess, its wing span was probably the size of my two hands put together. My nine year old hands, anyway. But the white butterflies I usually saw were much smaller than that. It flew around me, and I smiled in pure joy. I was obsessed with butterflies, and loved to be around them every chance I got. The beaming sun shone down on the white wings, almost making it glow. I had never seen that before. This butterfly was special.

It eventually flew away from where I was standing, going beyond the backyard gate. No one was around to stop me, so I went beyond the gate too. I had to follow the butterfly. It was so enchanting. So different. I was so determined to stay close to the butterfly that I didn't even notice how different everything was beyond the gate. It was a long, sloping field, leading into a forest. The trees in the forest were tall and thick, evenly placed to define a path. The butterfly led me onto that path. By that time, I knew my surroundings were different, but I didn't care.

The chilly atmosphere of the day became a soothing warmth the further I meandered into the forest. The butterfly now flew slowly enough that I could just walk to follow it. I looked ahead of myself and saw a bright yellow light shining at the end of the forest's path. I grew excited at the sight. I had to know what was happening. I began to hear beautiful sounds. Birds chirping sweet tunes in perfect harmony, along with the trickling sound of a brook. I eventually came across the brook, and the bottom of it beneath the water glowed with a golden dust. I scooped some into my hand and threw it into the air, feeling it rain on the surroundings as it came down. I ran again, following the brook and the path. They coincided together. 

I reached my unknown destination shortly after that, and I could hardly believe my eyes. In front of me was a little cottage that rested on a rocky hill. The hill sparkled with jewels and diamonds with colors so beautiful I wanted to cry. The brook flowed around the hill, entwining and connecting to it like veins. The white butterfly joined with hundreds of others, with wings that had as many colors as the rainbow and more. Little rabbits, birds, squirrels and chipmunks were playing about, running through the brook and the grass that was dotted with little purple and red flowers. A baby deer slowly approached me. I reached my hand out and petted her gently on the head. What shocked me greatly was the deer smiling and saying,

"Thank you."

All the animals gathered around me in greeting. I loved animals, so this was heaven! I eventually walked up the jewel encrusted hill, making my way to the little wooden cottage. There was a sign in front with my name on it. Surprising me after that was the sight of two beings exiting the cottage. An adult male and female, dressed in white robes. I believed they were angles, especially since they also possessed feathery wings.

"Is this place mine?" I asked them. The female angel nodded and replied,

"This is a piece of Heaven given to you. It is called 'Paradise'."

I scooped up a little chipmunk that ran around, just as the angles flew about, singing a beautiful song. I do not remember how the song went, but it was beyond beautiful.

The second I entered the door to the cottage, everything around me disappeared with the opening of my eyes as I reentered reality.

I have tried explaining this dream to my family and some of my friends. But I can never fully describe the incomprehensible beauty of it. One day, I plan to paint the image of the paradise. I want people to see that Heaven on Earth, but my humanly nature will never be able to recreate something so perfect

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