Address to Impress.

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A/N: Y/N's hair but with dark blue streaks. You can make it any color you want.

My alarm clock went off as the sun started peeking through my window.. I loved seeing the streaks of sunray creep onto my bed, it gives me a sense of warmth like the sun's just waiting to touch your skin and a brand new day awaits you.
As you can tell, yes.. I'm a morning person but sometimes I'm grumpy as ever. Today, however, was not that kind of day.
I got out of bed, took a shower and changed into my regular clothes with my work place's shirt.
I put some gel through my hair just so it'll stick without my helmet being a hindrance.
I took the keys and headed out.

Once I got to the shop, I set the chairs down and stepped into the kitchen.. knowing I have to get everything ready. I picked up some techniques from the chefs so I always prepared the dough, chop up the veggies and settle everything up for chefs.
I really liked this place, I've grown accustomed to the vibe and I typically grew up working here, I've been working since I was 16 so everyone was one big family.
My best friend YB/N also works with me which is a bonus, he also delivers pizzas but he kinda switches with the chef as well.
" Hey Y/N bro " He came into the shop holding his black helmet.
Both of us loved motorcycles so that was a common hobbie we had, he also new about my condition and it never bothered him, really. It was more of an inseparable friendship and when he found out, it didn't faze him.
I gave him a handshake and we started placing everything in the store together.

The day went rather swiftly. YB/N was racing sometimes, so we had fun until one of us had to change routes.
It's midnight and we're closing the shop, I couldn't say I wasn't tired but it was all worth it.
" Aye, YB/N we've got one last delivery. We can't turn them down. 3 pizzas and 2 crazy breads to 201 BlueRiver drive " I heard my boss command. ( I made the address up )

Hey.. I know that address ?
Oh shit! That's Lauren's address. Looks like we have a fan.

" Hey, YB/N I'll take that order, I know the neighborhood " I grasped my helmet, getting ready and waiting for the pizza.
" Care to tell me why ? " He asked suspiciously, catching on.
" Uhh, I'll tell you about it later. But that address is mine from now on " I gave him a smirk, took the order and drove off.

My usual attire was quite messy, I had wheat stains on my shirt but what do you expect from a pizza worker ?
I walked through the same front lawn, noticed that there's less cars then last time.. I'm guessing the girls aren't with her.
I rang the doorbell, waiting for a reply.
As soon as the door opened, I was met with the same captivating green eyes as yesterday.
" Hey " I let out softly, not forgetting to give out a smile.
" Hey, delivery girl. Let me take that for you. " Lauren smiked and let me tell you, that smirk used to drive me crazy.. up close, it was inviting some old feelings.
I saw Chris take them from her and walk back into their house.
Lauren was searching for the right amount of money to give me.. I just stood there staring at her beautiful figure. Lauren had such a confident posture, she was intimidating, slightly cold mannered but that made her even more tempting. I used to love the way her mind works, I loved when she showed her passion for ideas and how her eyes would radiate bliss.. it's crazy to think that I knew all that through a phone screen but I felt so connected to her.. I literally felt like she was someone I could fall in love with. Putting the other factors aside.. such as her dancing on stage.. which I should never think about when she's infront of me, needless to say, it would amplify some.. reactions to my body.

" Hello ? " Lauren was waving her hand in front of my face.. Shit, I'm so stupid I got lost in my thoughts.
I'm sure my cheeks were crimson red right now but it was cold so that would've been a cover up.
" Uhh, yeah sorry umm.. thank you, Lauren "
I took the money from the green eyed beauty leaning on her door, chuckling at my behaviour.
" You know, it would be nice if you gave me your name. You have mine so it's just as fair if I know yours " Lauren tilted her head cutely as she smiled.
" Haha yeah, it's Y/N " I held my hand on the back of my neck bashfully.
Lauren gave a cute nod, while I checked the payment.
Lauren gave me another 100 bucks in excess.
" Umm, Lauren you gave me another hundred. Honestly, you don't have to.. " I protested, she didn't have to bribe me for not telling where she lives. I held my change wallet on my right hip, inserted the money and held a 100 to give back.
" I won't tell anyone. You can trust me "
And when I say trust, I never break it. That's a quality about myself that most people in my life lack but it's okay sometimes to be the bigger person.
" Well, Y/N.. It's not just about that, it seems like you need it "
I wasn't shocked, this girl reads people too well and I know that about her.
" Yeah.. well, that doesn't mean I should take it. I'm all good, honestly.. I don't need it. " I got closer to the girl, holding out the 100 bucks so she could take it.
She didn't. She just stared at me with a smile.
" Lauren, please " I let out softly while chuckling because she looked too cute leaning on her door smiling at me.
This was my high school self's dream, just seeing that smile in the flesh.

I got closer, gently taking her hand and folding the money into her palm, keeping a tight grip. " Lauren, please really. " I know it sounds cliché, but her eyes were so warm I could stare at them all night and day. I felt her shift her weight, finally giving up on her offer.
" Next time you're taking it. I'm as stubborn as you. "
She stated quite seriously, it left a smile on my face.
" Good night Laur " I waved at the girl closing her door, never feeling more light on my feet.
Today was a good day.

A/N: Should I continue with this ?

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