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" Y/N !!!! " I heard Lauren call from downstairs.
" Yeah ?! " I was helping her pack since tomorrow was the first day of the tour.
" I- god damn it " I heard Lauren puff and huff so I decided to go down and check what's wrong.
I started laughing at the mess my girlfriend made, making her glare more than return the chuckle.
" It's not funny. Come help "
I walked slowly to the girl covered with flour on the kitchen floor.
" How'd you get in this mess " I giggled as I tried dusting off some of the powder from her hair.
" I wanted to make pancakes so I put the flour down on the edge of the counter.. and opened the lower cabinet.. so, " she let out an annoyed breath as I smiled, wanting to suppress a chuckle.
" So the flour fell all over you and now you're Casper the friendly ghost " I completed the sentence for her, unravelling a small smile from her.
" There's that beautiful smile "
She giggled to the floor as I held up her face and looked into her eyes.
" Might I say, you look rather pale my dear. I'm starting to worry about you "  Leaving a British cadence to my words, making her giggle even more.
" Come on, let's get you cleaned up "
I took care of the mess as Lauren went upstairs to take a shower.
I went back to her room, making sure we had everything.
" Y/N ? " I heard her call from the bathroom while the water was still running.
" Yeah, babe ? " I approached the door.
" I forgot my towel, it's hanged beside my closet. "
I grabbed it and knocked before entering the bathroom, not because I didn't love seeing her like this.. it's just containing her privacy. Even though I'm her girlfriend, it doesn't mean I don't owe her that.
" You didn't have to knock, silly "
Lauren peeked out from behind the shower curtain, exposing her bare body, and I'd be lying if it didn't leave me in awe everytime I saw her.
She's just so perfect.
" I know " my voice cracked a bit before I cleared my throat.
I handed her the towel, getting closer to the bath.
" I just figured.. it's, uh more polite I guess. "
" You're so cute " Lauren pulled me closer as she took hold of the towel and my hand.
" I'm yours, you keep forgetting that. "
She gave me a sweet, long kiss as I traced her bare sides, feeling the hot water on her skin.
" Take a bath with me "
I took a moment to savor the kiss before my eyebrow perked upwards in shock or more like an " oh really " ?
" Come on, Y/N. We have plenty of time and we won't enjoy this until the tour ends, so why not ? "
" Fine " I kissed her cheek before I started undressing.
Lauren held a daze and I didn't know if it turned me on or made me feel insecure but god damn it those eyes.
Those green, captivating and intimidating eyes.
I got to my boxers before she stopped me, " Wait.. come here " She gestured with her finger.
Lauren stood up on her knees from the bath, aligning her head with my crotch as she held my hands before leaving them and resting them on my backside.
" Come closer " Lauren's voice echoed in the steamy room, inducing another rush of blood to my abdomen.
She squeezed my skin, as I let out a grunge of pleasure.. her lips leaving traces of wetness along my waistline.
I buried my hands in her hair, softly tugging and rubbing her scalp as she kept kissing and licking her way downwards.
Lauren stopped for a second, I glanced down to see if she was alright. She simply smiled before surprising me with a delicate kiss on my covered member, and I knew it wasn't because of the lust anymore.
She reassured me that I am loved the way I am and it made my heart swell.
I kneeled down, giving her a tight hug as we breathed against each other's chest. " I love you so so much " I softly kissed her shoulders as I kept our embrace intimate.
" I love you too " She kissed my neck and played with my hair before we untangled our bodies.
I took off my boxers, the lust faded away and I didn't mind, I just hoped that Lauren felt the same.
I relaxed into the hot water, resting my back at the end of the tub as Lauren settled in between my legs.
We intertwined our fingers, Lauren playing with them so ever gently as I kissed her neck and caressed her body.
This kind of intimacy filled my lungs with bliss, I breathed in sync with her, I felt every inch of her.. it meant so much more than sex.
I loved how affectionate we've become, how accustomed our bodies have become to each other's touches, how our hearts connect when we're together and how they hold on tightly when we're apart.
I loved her, she loved me.
Simple as that.. it still fascinates me.

" You gonna give me a grand tour of the bus tomorrow? " I dipped my hands in the hot water and caressed her arms.
" Of course, plus I wanna show you how much food we pack in the fridge.. it's ridiculous " We both chuckled as she shifted her body until she was facing me.
" We're going to have so much fun, I can't wait to experience everything with you " She kissed my collarbone before meeting my lips.
I inhaled quickly before we shared a deep, passionate kiss. Lauren's tongue licked every inch of my mouth before she sucked down on mine before pulling away from my mouth slowly.
I kept her in place, our foreheads against each other. And just breathed, breathing with the girl I loved.
" You take my breath away "
I kissed Lauren again and again before she got cold and we got up to shower, " Casper washed her hair I see " Lauren hit my shoulder slightly.
" We didn't make those pancakes "
" We'll go out once we're done, babe "
I saw my girlfriend's eyes light up because of the mention of food, it truly left my heart doing jumping jacks.
" I'm in love with a 5 year old " I chuckled as she pouted her kissable lips. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and give her a peck.
" Yeah and I love food more than you " She poked her tongue out only to meet my mouth in a hot kiss as I pulled away suddenly, leaving her wanting more.
" I take it back " Lauren husked as her eyes fluttered open and met mine again. " I love you " I said it again.. the words leaving the sweetest taste in my mouth and ending up hearing the sweetest words I could ever listen to.
" I love you too "

A/N: Not proof read, enjoyyyyyyy xx

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