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I stirred awake, feeling the sun creep onto my face. I kept my eyes closed, not wanting to wake up just yet.. until I felt a warm embrace against me. Lauren had her head resting on my chest as her left arm hugged my torso and her legs tangled in mine.
The action left me smiling. I wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning.. I started playing with her hair and caressing her cheek; every breath she took made me feel at ease.
Her lips slightly parted, those astonishing green eyes hid behind those long eyelashes, she looked so innocent. The sight was so beautiful it could hurt.

I felt Lauren shift slightly, moving her thigh upwards.. it wasn't a bother until she got to my crotch. I felt uncomfortable now since it was morning and Lauren was moving way too much for me to handle.. my breaths got deeper as she pressed against me.
I tried to slide of out Lauren's grasp but she held on tighter.
" Morning " I saw her eyes flutter open, revealing the evergreen orbs I adored.
Her voice was even raspier than usual and it didn't help but I had to contain myself.
" Good morning Laur " I shot back a smile and caressed her cheek.
I had to get up though, I needed to handle myself.
" Uh.. Laur, could you uh- let me get up please.. I have to use the bathroom"
I chuckled in a sense.
Lauren tried moving again to get out of they way but she rubbed against my crotch and I let out a groan.
Lauren looked at me with suspicion, wondering what happened.
" Ohh ? " Lauren stated with a smirk, I guess she caught on.
" Sorry, I didn't mean to.. ya know "
She looked at me without a sense of regret, almost proud.. I didn't take it to heart but she definitely was a tease.
" It's okay I guess " I bashfully rubbed the back of my neck as I got up, making sure to cover myself before going into her bathroom and dealing with my boner.

When I freshened up and exited the bathroom, Lauren wasn't in bed anymore so I decided to change into my clothes from last night.
I took off my tank top, to check if there was a bruise from yesterday when I hit the chair. I didn't notice anything in the mirror so I guess there's nothing.
I took off my sweats and got my jeans from Lauren's bed-side, I started wearing them until Lauren came barging in.
" Y/N do you- "
I stood there for two seconds like a idiot before trying to cover myself, I was still in my boxers and sports bra.
" Shit. " I saw Lauren stare downwards until she snapped out of it. " I just wanted to ask if you'd like pancakes for umm-breakfast. " Lauren shook her head, avoiding her previous gaze.
" Uh- ye-yeah that's good. I'll be down in a bit " I tried hiding the severe crimson creeping onto my face.
What is this morning ?!
" Okay "
She closed the door and I let out a breath. Can I get any more awkward?
I dressed up, fixed my hair and headed downstairs.

Once I got to the kitchen, I leaned against the wall.. staring at my beautiful girlfriend making breakfast, blasting the 1975 from her phone and struggling with opening an orange juice bottle. I chuckled as I approached her. I hugged her waist from behind, giving her a kiss on her nape.
" You need some help ? " I whispered into her ear as I kissed her neck slightly.
Lauren let out a breath of relief and turned around, snaking her hands behind my neck. I gave her a smile as she leaned in for a kiss. Even a simple kiss would make my heart jump.. I smiled into the kiss as we both separated.
" Yes " Lauren pouted and gave me puppy eyes. She was too cute for her own good. I gave her another kiss and helped prepare breakfast.


" Do you want to come to the meeting with me today ? " Lauren asked before eating a bite of her pancakes.
" Well.. I don't have work so sure.
Is it okay though ? "
" Is that even a quesiton? " Lauren kinked an eyebrow.
Lauren shot me a smile and I smiled back in delight.
" So like that means I get to meet the girls ? " I shyly met her eyes and diverted. I mean, she knew I was a fan before so actually talking to the girls and getting to know them, it was kinda like a dream. Hell, I'm dating one of them ? What is my life right now ?
I heard Lauren chuckle.
" Yes, just remind yourself that Dinah is a teaser so she's gonna annoy us a little. " I chuckled back before picking up another pancake.
" Oh yeah.. I know. " we both smiled. Until I spoke again. 
" Umm.. Do they know.. like about me and my uh- condition, I guess ? "
It's always been weird when I get acquainted in relationships.. Hook-ups were never a bother because it was just for fun, nothing attached.. I didn't meet friends or family but this time it's serious.. I wanted something real with her.
Lauren put down her fork and came towards me. She straddled my lap as I held her waist, her eyes trailed up and down before closing in for a kiss.
" You see, Y/N.. " She said against my lips, closing into my jaw, kissing it gently.
" I don't know why.. " She grinded on me, swaying her hips upwards slowly. My breaths got deeper as I started getting hard as she added pressure.
" You're embarrassed of.. this " She whispered in my ear and clutched my crotch, slightly stroking me.
" When it's so hot " She bit my earlobe and then kissed the skin underneath.
I was really turned on right now, being underneath Lauren's touch was the ultimate temptation.
But I needed some control..
I started kissing back, my hands going from her thighs to her backside.. she gasped as I clutched her ass, slowly lifting my hips against her.
Lauren moaned in my ear and she knew it was exceeding my lust.
I started taking off her shirt, just when I reached her breasts... her phone rang.
" Shit "
We were a heavy mess, heaving against eachother as Lauren took a breath before answering her phone.
" Hello ? "
Lauren was still on me, she intertwined our fingers as she talked on the phone.. I smiled back at her.
" Damn it! Okay yeah yeah, we'll be there in a minute. "
I heard Lauren groan.
" Yesss Dinah " She rolled her eyes, I guessed the teasing began.
" Bye "
Lauren put down her phone and returned her gaze to me.
" Okay so.. we have to get up, babe. It's already 2:30 "
" Yeah it's okay.. I'm excited "
She smiled.
" Oh, I know " She winked.
Lauren got off me as she pointed to my groin. I trailed my eyes downwards as I noticed what she was talking about.
" That's not what I meanttt ! " I yelled so she'd hear me from upstairs.
I heard her chuckle and shook my head, following her upstairs after I cleaned up the table.

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