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The next day was my day off. I wanted to stay in bed all day but how mature would that seem ?
I got up, dressed up and went to get some groceries.
On the way, Y/BN called me, I answered since my helmet was on a Bluetooth setting.
" Hello "
" Hey Y/N. Where are you ? "
" I'm just driving, gonna get some groceries. Why ? "
I lowered my speed, heading to a left turn.
" I'm meeting up with Camila today and I'm nervous as fuck. "
Oh right.. They're not on tour.
" Haha dude, don't sweat it. She's really sweet so don't worry. "
" Well I am freaking out Y/N. I think I'm falling for her and it has only been a day. How does that happen ?! "
Trust me.. it can happen.
" Y/BN, calm down. I'll be there in 15 minutes. "
" Okay bye. "
I heard him let out a breath, obviously stressed out.

I bought some food for both Y/BN and me, deciding to get groceries after.
I got him chips so he'd calm down, a couple of beers and a cigarette pack.
I never smoke, but sometimes it helps with the stress.
I parked outside of his house and noticed the old Peugeot with a flat tire and a damage bumper.. the idiot still hasn't fixed his car.. I'm gonna give him mine for his date. I shook my head at my best friend's antiques and waited for him to open the door.

When Y/BN opened the door, totally bushy haired, in flipflops.. he fled back inside to his room.
" Come on Y/N ! "
I chuckled and stepped into the household, settled the bags on the kitchen and made my way into his room.
" Okay.. I've gotta wear something fancy, get flowers, go get a rental car cause mine is fucking broken down and- "
I interrupted his rambling.
" Okay,stop.
1. I'm going to give you my car.
2. We have a flower shop not too far from here.
3. You have that suit from last month.
It's all good.. can you breathe now ? "

I smiled at his sudden interest to be such a gentleman but he has a heart bigger than him. We were always on the romantic side, but with a badass reputation. And there was never a day where I didn't respect him, he would never hurt a women in any way and that's why we have such a great bond.

" Okay.. okay.. Thank Y/N, for helping. Really man. "
" No problem dude "
We shared a smile and got back to choosing his attire for the evening.
We disregarded the blazer and kept it casual, a white button-up shirt with black ripped jeans, Rolex watch, and creepers. It was comfy, plus fancy so we just went with it.
After a while, we sat down and drank some beers.. I only had some since I was driving.
" So, what about you and Lauren? "
I lit up a cigarette for Y/BN and took a drag while he got me some water.
" We exchanged numbers but I don't know if I should do anything about it. "
I gave him the cigarette and looked outside the window to my right.
" I think you should call her and hangout tonight "
I raised my eyebrows in shock.
" Since when are you this confident about approaching girls ?"
He gave me a light hit on my shoulder as we chuckled.
" I just think you deserve a person now and if you exchanged numbers, doesn't that mean she trusts you ? "
I thought about it for a second.. why in the world would Lauren Jauregui give me her phone number ?
" I don't know man.. "
" Try it out. You have nothing to lose "
I gave it some thought. It was 4 pm right now, Y/N's date is on 7 pm.
So could Lauren probably be helping Camila as well ? What if she's not even free today ? What if she has a boyfriend ? How would I know ? Like all I know is what the media gives us.
What if -
" Y/N.. Just call her. " Y/BN interrupted my thoughts.
I let out a breath and got up to head to the living room. Dialled Lauren's number and waited nervously.
" Hello " God.. that raspy voice.
" Heyy Lauren, what's up " ? My voice was shaky at first but I settled it.
" Hi Y/N ! I'm great. "
" Good good.. Uh, I wanted to ask.. "
" Do you- like umm, are you free this evening?  "
I heard her giggle on the other end, leaving a smile on my face.
" Yes, in a matter of fact, I am. " She let out sweetly.
" Great.. um, I wanted to ask if you want to get some ice cream? Or Starbucks ? "  I didn't wanna be too fancy, it was a casual hangout.. I just wanted to get to know her, the real her.
" Yeah, I prefer Starbucks. I still haven't had coffee yet. I've been quite busy haha " Maybe she was helping Camz.
"  Okay sounds great. What about 7:15 ? "
" Perfect. "
" I can give you a lift if you want, you know.. to avoid some paparazzi ? "
I asked hesitated.
" Haha yes, that would be great. But are you coming with your bike or your car ? "
" Umm, Y/BN is taking my car so hopefully my bike won't be a bother? " Please please please
" No, not at all! I've always wanted to ride one. Okay, so 7:15 it is. "
" Yeah.. but wear something warm please. It gets chilly on the way. "
She giggled and I swear it's the cutest sound ever.
" Okay Y/N. See you "
" See ya, bye "

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