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Waking up to Lauren was my favorite thing. Those eyes hidden behind her long, beautiful lashes.. so calm and content. Her chest heaving slowly and delicately.. Her lips slightly parted, still and stable with perfection. I know she was unconscious but my god, the sight makes my heart jump. She's so beautiful..

My fingers are tangled into her hair as she breathes subtly, peacefully. As long as that heart keeps beating, mine will as well.
I felt her shift slightly.. it's 1 pm so we have to get up sooner or later.
" Hey Laur " I softly caress her head and shake her shoulder slightly.
I watched her stir awake, indulging a smile on my face.. We were both still naked but this intimacy filled me up with warmth. She gave herself to me and trusted me.. Sharing your body with a human being means so much more than what we owe it. It's love, it's passion and devotion. I'm deeply and truly fond of this woman and I will dedicate my time and ardor to make her happy.
" Hey " Her raspy voice settled as she hugged me closer and rose her head.
And here's where my heart drowns in adoration, when her evergreen eyes adjust to the sunlight and her smile illuminates the space.
" Did you sleep well ? " I bent down to kiss her temple.
" Mhmm " She smiled as my lips left her warm skin. " Like a baby " she giggled and sat up slightly to face me.
" I'm glad " I chuckled as she rubbed her eyes and cuddled into a hug.
Feeling her around me was enough to assure me of safety, I wanted to give her every ounce of that emotion.
" Hey Laur.. " my voice subtly cracked, I felt so much love towards her.. it was overwhelming. I smiled after when her warm green eyes met mine. She caressed my cheek, calming me.. I probably made her think something's wrong.. I giggled " I'm okay.. I just- I want to give you my present. It'll get all of this off of my chest. " I put a strand of her raven hair behind her ear, revealing her natural beauty.
" I'm afraid my mind can't translate the overflowing in my heart " I saw her smile before I got up and put on my boxers, heading to my drawer to get the present while Lauren freshened up.

" Okay so.. one thing you have to do. I need you to let me pour my heart out with this before you can say anything okay ? " I climbed back on the bed, found Lauren patiently waiting.
" Okay. " Lauren took this as a serious matter and I chuckled at the sight.
I opened the box, revealing a Pandora bracelet filled with charms. Every single one had meaning to me.
Lauren's eyes lit up. It was an original bracelet but I had it modified for Lauren specifically. Her name was along the ring of the bracelet, engraved in the silver while every charm had a certain shade of green, reverting to her eyes. Let's just say I went on a splurge.
" Y/N.. this is too much " Lauren met my eyes with remorse.
" Shh.. " My index finger met her lips before my thumb stroked her chin,  " I told you, give me to the time to speak" gratifying a tilt in her lips as mine did the same, allowing the both of us to share a smile.
I slowly took all of the charms in my left palm, resting them on the bed before I reached for the bracelet and started inducing enchantment to the woman in front of me.

I held the first charm in my hand, giving Lauren a glimpse before I started speaking, " All of these are factors of my admiration and love towards you, this first one is how you caught my heart... Your eyes "
I held the Emerald charm and attached it to the bracelet.
" They're a galaxy I cannot fathom but I'm gravitated by them every second that passes. They make green, greener.. and where there's green, there's life, love and happiness.
You provide me with every one of them, and I couldn't be more thankful. "
Lauren gave me a sweet peck before I held the next one.
" Treble Clef, your astonishing and breathtaking voice. You leave me in such awe when you sing.. your voice soothes every part of my soul, not to mention how beautiful that mouth of yours is. Every word that comes out of it is golden, it's rare and special.. I'm so lucky to be able to witness what that mind of yours captures and analyzes. "
Her cheeks started to flush as those eyes glittered. I gently brushed her cheek with my lips before kissing her forehead.
I sat back and pulled out the 3rd charm, holding it up before slipping it along the others.
" This little cute globe portrays your passion for exploring and surrounding yourself with diverse cultures. You are a divergent of your own, wandering around the world and leaving your mark wherever you may roam. It's your intelligence and view of life that gets me the most, you're so special. And I can't wait to watch you get infatuated with every city we step foot on. "
Lauren's smile grew wider as I admired the sight, making my heart melt when she mouthed a " thank you " not wanting to interrupt me. So cute.
I held the 4th one clumsily making a funny face, leaving the brunette chuckling. " Goof ball "
" As you can see, a sea blue charm.. forming waves and the beach. Quite obvious why I chose this, my girlfriend loves the beach.. maybe even more than me " Lauren gave me a slight shove as we both chuckled.
" It also compliments the shades of green, plus, it's cute " I giggled before Lauren nodded excitedly in approval.
" Back to the lovey dovey stuff " I put up a facade of seriousness before Lauren and I broke into laughter.
" You gotta stop making those faces ! " Lauren chuckled before I crossed my eyes and she let out another laugh.
" Okayy.. okay.. " I sat up straight again, holding up the 5th charm before I met Lauren's eyes and shared a smile. It read " Family ".
I gulped, feeling a lump in my throat from the happiness.
" Your family has been so warm and welcoming. I couldn't thank you enough for that. I-I didn't feel that loved in so long, I felt my heart swell with bliss. The fact that you're so family oriented made me fall deeper and hopelessly in love with you, especially after these two days.. T-thank you so much Lauren " I teared up a little but nonetheless, smiled through. Lauren couldn't fight her tears either, she pulled me into an eager embrace.
" Y/N.. you're always welcome. They love you as much as I do. "
She tenderly stroked my back as I held her waist and neck.. breathing against her chest as I felt her tears touch my bare shoulder. I pulled away, swiping her tears and giving her a soft kiss.
" I never want those eyes to have rainy days, they're evergreen.. they never deserve to feel an ounce of pain. "
Lauren smiled purely in endearment which made her eyes blur even more.
She pulled our lips together, passionately intertwining our hearts.
She added the right amount of pressure for my heart to melt, right then and there.
As we pulled away, Lauren wiped both our tears leaving us grinning but still in an emotional state. I had two more charms which I purposely kept for last.
" There are two more, this is the first one " I held up the charm, it was a pizza slice.. Which made Lauren giggle. " Take me back to the start " I sang the lyric before I continued.
" This is the only reason you have my heart and I have yours. The power of pizza is greater than the both of us. " We collapsed into a cuddle of laughter before I pushed myself up to face Lauren, who was on the mattress.
" We should get some later " I used my mischievous grin before I gave her a peck.
" Once you finish this sappy romantic performance " Lauren furrowed her eyebrows to annoy me.
" Oh shut up " I started tickling her before she returned the same torture.
" Okay okayyyy " I laughed in pain before Lauren finally let go.
We collected ourselves before she stared at me lovingly again.
" Okay.. this is the last one mi amor "
I saw Lauren smile and blush, which lead to holding her hand as I put the next charm in her palm instead of holding it up. 
" Take a look " Lauren speculated the figure in her hand.. it was a golden heart.
I engraved our initials on the small piece. Lauren's eyes lit up as she saw them.
" This doesn't really need an explanation, but..

I love you Lauren Michelle Jauregui.

Here's my heart, forever in your hands, forever yours for the keeping. Because my soul has intertwined with your own, my body has gotten accustomed to your touches.. You are now a part of me, forever and always will be... And that's my favorite part of me, of who I am.
I love you unconditionally, utterly and wholeheartedly. "
Those green eyes felt at peace, that smile felt whole.. my heart felt complete for once.
Lauren pulled me back into her embrace and I swear I could feel her heartbeat through her chest.
Our bodies connected with such accuracy, with such faithfulness.. we were meant to be, Lauren was the one.

A/N: Heyyyy, this is a little emotional, I know. A little treat for all the hopeless romantics out there. I hope you liked it, have a great day guys xx

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