New Beginnings

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It's been a week after my little incident at work.. I decided to go back just to check on the place.. The owner of the parlour ( David ) was like family to me, he knew I wouldn't do anything like that on purpose. I knew I had a temper but I didn't let anyone hit me.. that douche deserved it.
Once I opened the door and went in, Y/BN already knew I was coming so he came and gave me handshake & a hug.
" Hey man, David is in the kitchen.. I think you should talk to him "
" Okay "
I made my way through to the kitchen, the smell of the place hit a nostalgic cord..
I had to leave eventually.. what if this happened for a reason? For pursuing my dream.
The thought had crossed my mind, this is an open door to my dream, all I need is to go through it.
" Hey David "
" Hello Y/N ! " He smiled and gave me a friendly handshake.
" Umm, I wanted to talk about what happened, I'm sure Y/BN filled you in"
" Y/N you know that you're like family to me.. But what you did was unacceptable. The other kid also got fired. "
It hit me.. he already made a decision.
" I am not exactly firing you Y/N but you've been here for years.. go live your life, you're still young. Don't dwell in this parlour, you are worth more. "
I took a breath and sighed staring at the cieling.
" I'm just leaving everything I've known in life.. change is scary "
I was open about this with him because he was like my father, since my own ditched my mom and I when I was young. He knew that he filled that position, the same as Y/BN as my brother.
" Y/N.. Life is full of surprises, I think you know that the most. This is your time to adventure and find your place. Do not look back and regret, look forward and live. Just live "
We shared a hug thanking him for everything, I knew this was a fresh start.
I went back to the front, greeting Y/BN again. " Dude, give me 5 minutes with you "
" Sure.. Dane, fill in just for a sec " He called so he could take a break.
I knew I'm going to leave everything behind, but not Y/BN. I remembered something yesterday which made me make a decision to take the songwriting job.
" So you remember when you used to sound-check my little local gigs, and take care of the lighting and all that ?"
" Haha yeah man, of course. Those days were dope. " We both chuckled, remembering how many times we went home drunk.
" Yeah so are you up for it ? This time I mean arenas "
His jaw fell, looking surprised as ever. Confusion filled his facial expressions.
" How ? " I smirked as he shook his head.
" Fifth Harmony. " His face lit up.
" They offered me a job for songwriting and they need an audio technician for tour.. so I figured.. why not the best duo ever ? "
" No way ! "
" Better believe it Y/BN " He started jumping and putting an arm around me while we laughed the excitement off.
" Shit.. Dude, you made it. " He stated with pride.
" Life is full of surprises "
" Couldn't still believe in myself without your support man " We both kept a lingering smile.
" Bro, what are you waiting for go tell your girlfriend there's no need for a skype account " I chuckled as he pointed at me, kinking an eyebrow.
" You better tell yours too "
I took one last glance at the parlour before Y/BN started heading back.
" Wait. Can you make me a large pizza, Hawaiian with extra cheese"
" Yeah sure man. "
I ended up writing on the inside of the pizza cardboard: Smile and say cheese, there's a new songwriter on the 5H team. ☺

I called Lauren as I made my way to her house.
" Hallo " Lauren used her cute baby voice, leaving a smile on my face.
" Hey babe "
" Where are ya ? "
" At home, probably gonna make something to eat for Taylor and I. Why ? "
" Don't touch your kitchen "
Lauren chuckled.
" Why Y/N ? "
I drove into her neighborhood and parked, still leaving her on the phone without an answer.
" Y/N ? "
" Yeah " I took off my seat belt, held the pizza and ran to her door.
" Why shouldn't I to- "
" Open your door " I cut her off, heaving.
I heard footsteps coming to the door, I quickly opened the pizza box and presented the little note on the back with the pizza infront.
I peeked my head to the right from behind the box to see Lauren's reaction.
It was perfect.
Her green eyes lit up and her confused face turned into the brightest smile ever.
" Oh my god Y/N ! " She started running in place from the excitement. I put the pizza aside and hugged her in a tight embrace, as she wrapped her legs around my abdomen. We chuckled against eachother as Lauren tilted her head downwards to meet my eyes, our laughter slowly died down to smiles as we stared at eachother, her eyes leaving me hypnotized.. They always made my heart flutter and this bright green color felt like she was happy.
She tilted her head a little closer to meet my lips in a soft kiss, adding the right amount of pressure as I put her down. Our faces were still close together, I knew this meant so much more for the both of us.
It was like an exemption from the hardships we'd face in the future.. No long distance, that deadly feeling of longing would be disregarded, no pain of the unchangeable.. We had everything in our control and it felt so good to not have to think about going through that.
Lauren was still in arms as Taylor startled us since we were still at the door.
" PIZZA! "
Taylor took the pizza and disappeared into their living room as Lauren and I made it to the kitchen.
" Laur.. I just want you to know that I did this for us too. If it was any other record company and it meant I'd be away from you.. I wouldn't have taken it. "
She took my hand, pulling me closer as she caressed my cheek.
" I know " I smiled back at her and my smile grew wider when she kissed my cheek and then aligning her lips in front of mine, a tingling sensation spread through my lips as I felt her take my bottom lip and suck on it before slightly using her tongue to open my mouth. I gladly accepted, as she was doing all the work not letting me take control, I tried shifting her tongue with mine but Lauren wouldn't allow it. She reached under my shirt, stroking my sides and lowering her hands dangerously close to my crotch. My back hit the fridge, I panted from her lack of inhibition, feeling my jeans tighten from her aggressiveness.. By now, I knew she got used to my likings, and her dominance was one of them.
I felt light headed, she was literally taking my breath away.. not letting me take a breath before invading my mouth again.
I tried to calm her down, knowing Taylor was in the other room and we shouldn't do this now.
" Laur.. ughh " I tried hiding my lust but she sucked on my neck.. exactly where my sweet spot was.
I was definitely hard right now, Lauren grinded against me with a smile on her face, knowing she felt me as she did it again.
I let out a quiet moan, it was a while since I did anything and she knew how to build me up.
Lauren started un-buckling my belt and I decided to stop.
" Okay.. okay, no no no no " I slipped away from her touch.
" Taylor is right in there.. "
Speak of the devil, as if it was on time, Taylor came running in but slowed down as she noticed our demeanor. Lauren's hair was messy, my lips were puffy and not to mention my hands covering my crotch.

Midnight Pizza (Lauren/You) Where stories live. Discover now